
Hunting in Delaware

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife manages 19 public wildlife areas; approximately 68,000 acres of land. In addition to providing habitat for a variety of wildlife, these lands provide hunting and other outdoor recreational opportunities. Much of this land, and many acres of private land, provide hunting during a number of seasons. More information is found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide.

The Division of Fish and Wildlife is accepting public comments through March 25, 2025, on proposed options for migratory game bird hunting seasons and bag limits for the 2025 – 2026 hunting season.

Information for Hunters

Avian influenza, a group of influenza strains that occur naturally in wild aquatic birds, has been found in snow geese and poultry flocks in Delaware. Hunters and others who encounter sick or dead birds should be aware of the risks and take precautions.

Licensing and Permits

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Migratory Bird Hunting Information

National Wildlife Refuges
– Bombay Hook
– Prime Hook

Related Wildlife Information

Coyotes in Delaware

Deer Damage Assistance
