
Division of Watershed Stewardship

The DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship manages and protects the state’s soil, water and coastlines. It uses a comprehensive array of watershed-based programs to ensure proper stewardship of Delaware’s natural resources.

Logo of the DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship

Watershed Assessment and Management

The Watershed Assessment and Management Section oversees the health of the state’s surface water resources and takes actions to protect and improve water quality for aquatic life and human use.

Wetland Monitoring and Assessment

The Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program reports on the status, health and function of Delaware’s wetlands and collaborates with government agencies, businesses, non-profits and universities to further wetland research.

Shoreline and Waterway Management

The Shoreline and Waterway Management Section works to maintain and improve Delaware’s beaches, shorelines and waterways. It oversees dredging and helps manage navigability to preserve and enhance recreational use of the State’s waters.

Sediment and Stormwater Management

The Sediment and Stormwater Management Program takes a comprehensive approach to sediment control and stormwater management that includes monitoring of stormwater quantity and water quality control.

Drainage and Flooding

The Drainage Programs work with landowners, tax ditch organizations and federal, state and local agencies to improve drainage, stormwater management and water quality in Delaware.

Nonpoint Source Pollution

The Nonpoint Source Program provides funding for projects designed to reduce nonpoint source pollution — pollution that originates from diffuse sources and is transported to surface or ground waters through leaching or runoff.

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