
Deer Stands or Ground Blinds on State Wildlife Areas

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife requires hunters to register temporary deer stands or ground blinds they place on state wildlife areas.

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DNREC Wildlife Section

Register Stands or Blinds Wildlife Area Maps

The mandatory free registration system helps wildlife area managers plan for the ways hunters can best use such tools. Registration only applies to stands and blinds not removed each day by the hunter.

Temporary Stands and Blinds Allowed

DNREC allows hunters to leave temporary deer stands and blinds on some state wildlife areas from Aug. 1 to Feb. 15. The number of hunters leaving stands or blinds has increased. Managers need more information to plan for, and support, these hunting tools.

Information included with state wildlife area maps outlines when, where and how stands or blinds can be placed.

Placement of a stand, or blind in a specific part of the wildlife area does not give the owner any exclusive hunting rights. DNREC is not responsible for theft or damage to stands or blinds left by hunters.

Free, One-Time Registration

Registration is free. A single registration number can be used for multiple stands or blinds. Hunters only need to register once. This unique registration number can be used, by that hunter, from year to year.

Please fill out the registration form completely. An email containing your registration number will be sent to you once the form is complete.

The registration number must be legibly and conspicuously marked on each item.

State Wildlife Areas

Leaving stands or blinds is only permitted on the following state wildlife areas. Details about what is permitted on each area are found in the hunting portion of the rules and regulations published with each map.

