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 Pages Categorized With: "Air Quality"

Zero Emission Vehicle Credits for Manufacturers

Starting with model year 2027, automobile manufacturers will be required to include a specified percentage of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) in the fleet of cars they provide for sale in Delaware. Manufacturers who exceed the percentage targets may receive credits that they can use to offset future year requirements. Manufacturers can also earn credits during the

Division of Air Quality

The DNREC Division of Air Quality monitors the ambient air quality and regulates air emissions, asbestos removal and open burning. The division maintains emission inventories from various source types and develops the State’s clean air implementation plans. And the division advises the Secretary of DNREC on possible new air regulations and supports the enforcement of

Emission Banking and Trading

The Delaware Emission Banking and Trading Program is a voluntary, market-based system that allows companies to earn credits for reducing their air pollution emissions. Companies can then sell these credits to other companies that need them to offset their own emissions.

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Low Emission Vehicle Program Comments (Part 2)

This page lists public comments on the Low Emission Vehicle Program received following workshops in December, 2022.
Anita Chariw Richard Cronin Robert Fischer Joseph Wingate Anonymous Thomas Brooks Marquise Broom Clint Brothers Cynthia Dale Taylor Davis

Low Emission Vehicle Program Comments (Part 1)

This page lists public comments on the Low Emission Vehicle Program received following workshops in November, 2022.
Janis Chester MD Kathleen Rutherford John Fannan Connie Fox James Anderson Richard Cronin John Fannan Mary Douglas John Emberger John Irwin

Low Emission Vehicle Program Comments (Part 3)

This page lists public comments on the Low Emission Vehicle Program received between Dec. 30, 2022, and the end of March, 2023.
Cindy Abood Joan Adelman Mary Alessandro Ed Amzibel Susan Anders Renee Anderson Mary Ann Cronin Kathy

Low Emission Vehicle Program Comments

This page holds links to public comments received by the DNREC Division of Air Quality through the end of March 2023 regarding the proposal to amend the Delaware Low Emission Vehicle Program (7 Admin. Code 1140). Public comments were received following two key stakeholder meetings in October and a series of five public workshops

Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance

The Delaware Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program is a mandatory control measure to help the State of Delaware meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone.

Contact Us

Deanna Morozowich Division of Air Quality 302-739-9402

Sandblasting Water Tanks

The sandblasting of water tanks is part of a group of smaller sources of pollution known as area sources — smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.
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Gasoline Delivery

Gasoline delivery is part of a group of smaller sources of pollution known as area sources — smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.

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Area Source

Solvent Cleaning and Drying

Solvent cleaning and drying is part of a group of smaller sources of pollution known as area sources — smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.
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Dry Cleaners

Dry cleaners are part of a group of smaller sources of pollution known as area sources — smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.
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Auto Body Shops

Auto body shops are part of a group of smaller sources of pollution known as area sources — smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.

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Open Burning by Fire Companies

Fire companies in Delaware are allowed to conduct certain open burning activities, including assisting farmers with agricultural burning and the intentional burning of structures for the purposes of firefighting instruction.
The State Fire Marshall has ordered a statewide outdoor burning ban until further notice. This includes bonfires, controlled burning (including

Agricultural Burning

Farmers may conduct agricultural burning for crop residue, field maintenance, and land clearing for agricultural operations. This does not include clearing land in order to construct structures, even those used in conjunction with agricultural operations.
The State Fire Marshall has ordered a statewide outdoor burning ban until further notice. This

Prescribed Burns

A prescribed fire is the burning of undisturbed vegetation intentionally ignited to meet specific land management objectives such as wildlife habitat improvement, disease or invasive species control, forest management, fuel suppression, and other recognized conservation practices under such conditions that the fire is confined to a predetermined area.
The State

Air Quality Forecast

DNREC works with the EPA and regional partners to track air quality and help you know if you need to take precautions. For current ozone and particulate conditions, visit the EPA AirNow website.
Annual Forecast Reports 2023

Ethylene Oxide

Ethylene oxide, abbreviated as EtO or EO, is a colorless gas with a faintly sweet odor. It is a volatile organic chemical (VOC) and a hazardous air pollutant (HAP). It is used to sterilize materials that cannot be sterilized by steam and in the production of many consumer products. [column md=”6″ xclass=”col-xs-12


In March of 2021, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) adopted a regulation on prohibitions of hydrofluorocarbons in specific end-uses.


Kyle Krall Division of Air Quality 302-324-2083

Natural Minor Permit Fee Initiative

The DNREC Division of Air Quality has been working to update the natural minor permit fees to reflect the current program needs. Outreach with the regulated community has been ongoing since 2019.

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Project Team Leaders Division of Air Quality 302-739-9402

Air Quality Permitting Training

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control offers occasional training opportunities focused on the Division of Air Quality’s permitting and regulation programs.

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Michelle Jacobs Small Business Ombudsman 302-739-9069

Moveable Monitoring Platform

DNREC has developed a Moveable Monitoring Platform (MMP) to increase its air monitoring capabilities and assist with special projects. The movable monitor improves DNREC’s response to air quality concerns in areas where no permanent air monitoring station can be placed. The Moveable Monitoring Platform is designed to support state-of-the-art

Special Projects

The DNREC Division of Air Quality conducts special studies to examine air quality issues and concerns tied specific locations around the state.

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Air Monitoring Program Division of Air Quality 302-323-4542

Air Toxics Questions and Answers

Questions and answers about air toxics and the Delaware Air Toxics Assessment Study (DATAS).
Toxic air pollutants, also referred to as air toxics or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), are chemicals that, at sufficient concentrations and exposures, are known or suspected to cause cancer. HAPs can also

Regional Haze

Air pollutants can cause haze, a veil of white or brown that obscures and blurs what we can see in the distance. Federal law requires states to prepare implementation plans to reduce the pollutants that can cause haze in important scenic areas. Delaware was determined to have an impact on haze only for the Brigantine

The Delaware Particulate Matter Advance Program

The state and local governments in Delaware have joined together to work with industry to reduce particulate matter emissions and protect the public under the EPA’s Particulate Matter Advance Program.

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Renae Held Division of Air Quality

Particulate Matter

Tiny airborne particles found in haze, smoke and airborne dust, and known as “particulate matter” and usually abbreviated as PM2.5, can occur year-round and can cause serious health problems. Delaware monitors for particulate matter at sites around the state, and works with local governments and other partners in the Delaware Particulate Matter Advance Program to reduce


Ozone is a colorless, naturally occurring gas found in two layers of the atmosphere. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, ozone protects life on Earth by absorbing some of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In the layer closest to the ground, however, ozone is an air pollutant that is a key ingredient of smog and

Air Toxics

Toxic air pollutants, also referred to as air toxics or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), are chemicals that, at sufficient concentrations and exposures, are known or suspected to cause cancer. They can also cause other serious health problems or cause adverse environmental effects. DNREC monitors Delaware’s air for air toxics and publishes regular Air Toxics Strategic Plans

Air Quality Monitoring

The DNREC Division of Air Quality operates a series of monitoring stations throughout the state. This monitoring network measures pollutants for which national air quality standards have been defined to protect public health. These are known as “Criteria Air Pollutants.”

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Air Quality

The Division of Air Quality manages programs to monitor air quality, mitigate air quality problems, and forecast air quality conditions in Delaware.
Air Quality Forecast See current air quality readings and get the latest air quality forecast for our region.

Get Involved

You can take simple steps every day to help keep our air cleaner and more safe. The DNREC Division of Air Quality offers information, educational materials and more to help you take control.

Regulations and Plans Under Development

The DNREC Division of Air Quality is committed to openness and transparency as it updates and amends state Air Quality Regulations and related state implementation plans. This page provides information on items under development. Learn more about the DNREC regulatory development process and find useful tools to participate.

Public Hearing Materials

The Division of Air Quality holds public hearings on permit applications, regulation updates, and other matters related to maintaining and enhancing Delaware’s air quality. All Division of Air Quality public hearings and meetings are posted on the state Public Meeting Calendar. Applications, plans, exhibits and other materials related to

Title V: Major Air Sources

Title V is an air pollution control program, based on federal law, designed to standardize air quality permits and the permitting process for major sources of air emissions across the country.

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Angela Marconi Division of Air Quality 302-323-4542

Smaller Sources of Air Pollution

Smaller sources of air pollution are known as “Area Sources.” Unlike large, very obvious, single sources of pollution, like industrial smokestacks, Area Sources are smaller activities by businesses or facilities that, when measured across a group of sites, can accumulate to large amounts of pollution impacting Delaware’s air quality.

Air Quality Permit Applications

Delaware state law requires air quality permits for equipment which has the potential to discharge air contaminants into the atmosphere. State regulations (7 DE Admin. Code, 1102) establish permitting procedures and requirements.
The Division of Air Quality is working with the regulated community on a proposal to increase

Questions and Answers About Air Quality Permits

The Air Quality permitting process can be technical and complicated. Below are commonly-asked questions about Air Quality permitting, and the permitting process. If there are questions not answered here, please let us know. Email them to us at

Point Source Emissions

The state of Delaware submits a comprehensive inventory of ozone precursor emissions to the EPA every three years. Ozone precursors are air pollutants that form ozone: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), and carbon monoxide (CO).

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Jacquelyn Cuneo Division

Title V Fee Committee Meeting Archive

An archive of meeting materials of the Title V Fee Committee. Recent Meetings

October 10, 2024

September 27, 2023

March 3, 2023

February 14, 2023

January 17, 2023

November 29, 2022

September 27, 2022

September 17, 2021

August 19, 2020

May 5, 2020

  Earlier Meetings
Feb. 6, 2020 Meeting Agenda Meeting Notes Meeting

Regulation 1102 Permit Fees

Following is a list of fees for applications to the Division of Air Quality for Regulation 1102 construction and operating permits.
The Division of Air Quality is working with the regulated community on a proposal to increase fees for Natural Minor (Regulation 1102) permits. Learn More

Stationary Generator Emissions

Delaware’s Air Quality Regulations require the operators of stationary generators to register their equipment with the Division of Air Quality, regardless of whether that equipment requires a permit to operate. Those generators that meet the requirements of Regulation 1102 must also apply for Regulation 1102 Construction permits.

Air Contaminant Equipment Registration

Any process that will emit between 0.2 and 10 pounds of air contaminants per day must apply for a Registration. Those processes that have emissions greater than 10 pounds per day before control must have an Air Quality Permit to operate.

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Engineering and Compliance 302-739-9402

Title V Fee Committee

The Title V Operating Permit Program Advisory Committee, generally known as the Title V Fee Committee, was established by the Delaware General Assembly (7 Del. Code, § 6099) to provide guidance for the Title V: Major Sources program and to publish an annual report on costs and fees related to the Title V permitting program.

Air Quality Pre-Application Review

The Division of Air Quality encourages all applicants to meet with an air permitting engineer before submitting a final permit application. This Draft Application Review Meeting ensures that the final application will be both administratively complete and technically complete.

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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Delaware is a participant in a multi-state carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program developed as a cooperative effort among the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia to cap and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the power sector. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes

Clean Power Plan Meetings

In 2015, the EPA set the first-ever carbon pollution limits for existing power plants. The rules, known as the Clean Power Plan, were issued under the Clean Air Act. Between 2014, when the Plan was just a proposal, then and 2018, when the EPA reversed itself and rescinded those rules, DNREC worked with residents and

Planning for Clean Power

The state of Delaware began working on a Clean Power Plan in response to carbon pollution limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015. In August of 2018, the EPA reversed itself and repealed those rules. It has proposed a new “Affordable Clean Energy” rule instead. The state is now working with

Greenhouse Gas Offsets

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) allows participating states to identify and take credit for project-based greenhouse gas reductions outside of the electric sector, which is subject to the RGGI cap-and-trade program.

Contact Us

Valerie Gray Division of Air

Air Quality Contacts

Angela Marconi, Director 100 W. Water Street, Suite 6A Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9402
Small Business Environmental Assistance: 302-739-9069
