Two separate, one-day, special youth waterfowl hunting days are open on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024, and Saturday Feb. 1, 2025, for hunters ages 10 through 15.
Normal daily waterfowl bag limits and hunting regulations apply, including a limit of 25 snow geese, 2 Canada geese, and 1 brant.
Youth waterfowl hunters who are the named permit-holder on a Delaware Tundra Swan Permit may also harvest a Tundra Swan, but only on the Feb. 1, 2025 youth waterfowl day, or during the regular tundra swan hunting season.
Youth hunters must be of sufficient physical size and strength to safely handle a firearm and must be accompanied by a licensed adult hunter age 21 or older. That adult may not possess a firearm or hunt during the youth hunt.
Youth hunters ages 13 through 15 must have completed a hunter education course, obtained a hunter education certification card and purchased a Delaware junior hunting license.
Youth hunters age 10 through 12 must possess a license exempt number (LEN) and may have taken a hunter education course.
All youth waterfowl hunters need a Delaware Harvest Information Program (HIP) number. No state or federal waterfowl stamps are required for youth hunters.
Youth waterfowl hunting is available on many state wildlife areas, some of which are accessed through a waterfowl blind lottery drawing.
The following wildlife areas issue waterfowl blinds through a lottery drawing: Augustine, Cedar Swamp, Woodland Beach and Assawoman wildlife areas, where a morning lottery is held one and a half hours before legal shooting time; and the Little Creek and Ted Harvey wildlife areas, where a morning lottery is held two hours before legal shooting time.
A State Wildlife Area Waterfowl Blind Permit is not needed during the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Day.
Related Topics: fish and wildlife, hunting, outdoors and recreation, wildlife, youth