
Shorebird Volunteer Form

This page is a volunteer registration form for those interested in volunteering to help with the spring field season of the Delaware Shorebird Project.

Participants must be at least 18 years of age to volunteer with the Shorebird Project.


Volunteers should plan on committing to spending at least three days with the project to offset training, and to gain exposure to all aspects of the work of the Project.


Training will be provided virtually. New volunteers will be paired with a DNREC staff member or an experienced volunteer.

The number of new volunteers will be limited in proportion to experienced team members to ensure bird safety and provide effective training.

Volunteer Form

If you have never volunteered with us before, please include a cover letter briefly describing your interest in volunteering with the Delaware Shorebird Project and what you hope to gain from the experience so that we learn a little more about you.

If you have volunteered with us before, what jobs are you comfortable with? (Please note: We will re-orient you this season)

Estimating bird numbers on the beach

Resighting flagged birds

Ratio scans

Data QA/QC

Weighing birds

Measuring bill and head

Please indicate your level of experience and confidence with the following activities:

 Physical   Health   Mobility   Allergies   Other

We survey throughout the state. Most sites are only accessible by driving. We will try to accommodate survey sites near your home base.

Survey sites range from the northernmost site at Port Mahon to the southernmost site at Prime Hook Beach.

We have a limited number of both to loan if needed.
