The success of the Christina-Brandywine River Remediation Restoration Resilience (CBR4) project depends on support and input from many different people and organizations, including residents of and visitors to the Riverfront, Wilmington, and New Castle County.
There are various ways to get involved, including joining volunteer events, virtually attending webinars, and joining public workshops and meetings.
Want to help make the water swimmable, fishable, and drinkable? Participate in one of the volunteer opportunities available in the project area.
Christina River Watershed Cleanup
The Christina River Watershed Cleanup is an annual cleanup that occurs each spring along the Brandywine, White Clay and Red Clay creeks, and the Christina River to remove man-made debris from within the watershed. (Learn More)
An important part of the CBR4 project is understanding what plants and animals call the area home, tracking their populations and identifying where in the project area they can be found. One way to do this is by hosting a Bioblitz.
A Bioblitz is a fun walk led by a professional naturalist to identify any or all of the mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, wildflowers, trees and shrubs in a publicly owned property.
The 2021 BioBlitz took place Saturday, Sept. 25, at the DuPont Environmental Education Center in Wilmington. It was held as part of the Monarch Migration Celebration, an afternoon of culture and nature.
Similar to a Bioblitz, participants using iNaturalist collect and report data on plants and animals they see during their normal daily routines.
iNaturalist is a free app that can be downloaded to your smartphone. Users can upload an image of the animal or plant with its location for others to view and help identify.
Download the App today and submit your sightings. (Learn More)
Webinars will be held periodically to educate and inform stakeholders about on-going project activities and to provide examples of success stories from similar projects across the region.
While there is no set schedule for when webinars will occur, they will be listed as they are scheduled, and registration details will be provided.
March 25, 2021- Introductory Stakeholder Webinar
Throughout the planning process in 2021 and 2022, public input on the proposed plan and projects will be critical for CBR4’s success.
There will be multiple opportunities for community members and stakeholders to provide input and feedback on the proposed plan.
The video on this page is a recording of a CBR4 Stakeholder Workshop on Feb. 15, 2022.
As further workshops are scheduled, they will be posted here.
Related Topics: brandywine, cbr4, christina, cleanup, remediation, resilience, restoration, support, volunteer, waste and hazardous substances, watar