
The Remediation Section

The DNREC Remediation Section protects public health, welfare, and the environment in Delaware by identifying and cleaning up releases of hazardous waste, petroleum and other hazardous substances in the environment to an acceptable level of human-health and environmental risk, and supporting the continued safe use, re-use or enhanced productive use of remediated properties.

The Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) gives DNREC the authority to ensure cleanup of facilities with a release or imminent threat of release of hazardous substances.

The law and associated regulations govern several key programs:

HSCA Enforcement and HSCA Lead


Voluntary Cleanup (Fact Sheet)

Long-Term Stewardship

Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration

The DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances sets standards for assessing risks to human health and ecological health.

Over 1,100 hazardous substance release sites are currently managed by the section.

The section administers the Storage Tank Corrective Action and Hazardous Waste Corrective Action programs. It also helps administer several federal programs through cooperative agreements and grants.

The section certifies consultants to work under HSCA and maintains a list of HSCA-certified consultants. Consultants and contractors can apply at any time using the application to become a certified consultant under the HSCA program. All analytical work must be performed by DNREC-approved laboratories.

The section develops and updates laws, regulations, guidance, policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs) on a regular basis. The section engages advisory committees and other outreach mechanisms to seek feedback from the public to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the various programs it manages. It provides grants, loans and financial assistance to qualified entities. The section participates in various national and local teams and undertakes various initiatives and studies. It maintains a brownfields marketplace webpage to help facilitates development of brownfields sites.

Watershed Approach to Toxics Assessment and Restoration

Where toxic substances affect Delaware’s water resources, two DNREC divisions have teamed up to work together, on a watershed scale, to address pollution problems.

The Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances and the Division of Watershed Stewardship have developed a Watershed Approach to Toxics Assessment and Restoration (WATAR). WATAR is a holistic (watershed scale), integrated, and systematic approach to the evaluation of contaminant sources, transport pathways, and receptors, and a mechanism to implement restoration actions based upon site prioritization.


The EPA is proposing the addition of the East Basin Road Groundwater Site to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

The EPA has added the Georgetown North Groundwater Site to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

The Brownfields Grant Funding Policy was updated on updated May 28, 2021.

The EPA listed the Blades Groundwater Site to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) on Sept. 3, 2020.
