
Moveable Monitoring Platform

DNREC has developed a Moveable Monitoring Platform (MMP) to increase its air monitoring capabilities and assist with special projects. The movable monitor improves DNREC’s response to air quality concerns in areas where no permanent air monitoring station can be placed.

A large van with antennae and monitors on its roof

The Moveable Monitoring Platform is designed to support state-of-the-art instrumentation to monitor project specific criteria pollutants (ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter), selected air toxics, and meteorological data. It allows DNREC a platform to develop investigative air monitoring studies in response to public concerns.

The creation of the MMP began in 2012, when Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS) conveyed a van they no longer needed to Air Quality.

What We Monitor

The Moveable Monitoring Platform is equipped to monitor the following:

  • Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10), from mobile sources such as vehicular traffic and other combustion sources
  • Black Carbon (PM2.5), from combustion (wood smoke and diesel engines)
  • Ozone (O3), from photochemical reaction with Nitric Oxide and VOC’s
  • Oxides of Nitrogen (NO-NO2-NOx), from combustion sources
  • Sulfur Dioxide, from combustion of fossil fuels
  • Air Toxics, from gasoline, industrial manufacturing and consumer products
  • Wind speed and wind direction, which can help determine where monitored materials come from

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