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 Pages Categorized With: "Public Notice"

On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System: Marydel Volunteer Fire Company

Marydel Volunteer Fire Company proposes to construct a replacement onsite wastewater treatment and disposal system to serve the Marydel Fire House.

Proposed Plans of Remedial Action for Operable Unit 1, Operable Unit 2, and for Operable Unit 3 of the Brandywine Country Club Site (DE-1631)

The department invites public comment on proposals to clean-up Operable Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Brandywine Country Club Site, located at 2822 Shipley Road in Wilmington.

Planes de Acción Correctivos Propuestos para Unidad Operable 1, Unidad Operable 2 Y para la Unidad Operable 3 del Sitio del Brandywine Country Club (DE-1631)

El Departamento invita al público a comentar sobre las propuestas para limpiar la Unidads Operable 1, 2 y 3 del sitio del Brandywine Country Club ubicado en 2822 Shipley Road en Wilmington.

Wetlands and Waterways Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications for permits to the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section.

Second Notice: Availability of Delaware Bay Shellfish Grounds for Leasing

Shellfish grounds are available for lease in parts of the Delaware Bay. DNREC is accepting applications for leases through March 15.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Atlantic View Realty, LLC has applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to renovate an existing hotel in Dewey Beach.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Price Automotive Group

The Price Automotive Group requests a permit to construct or operate an auto body shop at 1062 Lafferty Lane, in Dover.

Título 7 del Código Administrativo de Delaware, Artículo 1102 Solicitudes de Permiso para Fuentes Naturales Menores: Price Automotive Group

The Price Automotive Group solicita permiso para construir u operar un taller de automóviles ubicadas en 1062 Lafferty Lane, Dover

Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Barbara Hick’s Park Site (DE-1804)

The department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up the Barbara Hick’s Site located at 410-420 Bradford Street, in Wilmington.

Plan Final de Acción Correctiva para el Sitio del Parque de Barbara Hick (DE-1804)

El departamento ha adoptado un plan con respecto a la limpieza del sitio de Barbara Hick ubicado en 410-420 Bradford Street en Wilmington.

Federally Enforceable 7 DE Admin. Code 1102/Title V Synthetic Minor Permit Application: AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP has applied for a permit for the construction of a new high speed sachet packaging line at their facility at 587 Old Baltimore Pike, in Newark.

Título 7 del Código Administrativo de Delaware, Artículo 1102 Federalmente Ejecutable/Solicitud de Permiso para Fuentes Sintéticas Menores del Título V: AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP ha solicitado un permiso para la construcción de una línea de empaque de sachés de alta velocidad en 587 Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, Delaware,

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System: Glasgow Baptist Church

Glasgow Baptist Church has applied for a permit for an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system to serve a church located at 3021 Old County Road, Newark.

Temporary Holding Tank Permit for Quarry Walk Subdivision

Quarry Walk, LLC proposes to use twelve holding tanks to receive and temporarily store wastewater from 25 dwellings in the Quarry Walk subdivision, located at 810 Yorklyn Road, in Hockessin.

Allocation Permit: Burton Ockels

Burton Ockels has requested an allocation permit for three existing irrigation wells located 2.4 miles Southeast of Seaford.

Allocation Permit: Martin L Ockels, Sr.

Martin L. Ockels, Sr. has requested an allocation permit for two existing irrigation wells located 2.6 miles Southeast of Seaford.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit – Renewal: Vincent Farms, Inc.

Vincent Farms, Inc. has applied for renewal of a permit to transport non-hazardous liquid waste (barley wash water) to be disposed of at Laurel Wastewater Treatment Facility and land applied.

Federal Consistency Certification: Eastern Shore Natural Gas

Eastern Shore Natural Gas is proposing to use a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Automatic Blanket Certificate to construct, own, operate, and maintain a natural gas controller station near N. Bassett St. and Duck Creek Pkwy in Clayton.

Federal Consistency Certification: USDA Sapp Farm Grain Tank

The USDA Farm Service Agency proposes to provide financial assistance for the construction of a grain tank with an overhead platform and fill conveyor in an existing grain storage yard on an active farm at 5144 Milford Harrington Hwy, Harrington.

Federal Consistency Certification: Sussex Habitat for Humanity

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Sussex County Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single-family home at 28292 Fisherman Dr., Milton.

Temporary Holding Tank Permit for Jamp Medical Pavilion

Phoenix Jamp Venture, LLC proposes to use two holding tanks to receive and temporarily store wastewater from the Jamp Medical Pavilion, located at 23900 Milton Ellendale Highway, Milton.

Federal Consistency Certification: Eastern Shore Natural Gas

Eastern Shore Natural Gas proposes to use a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Automatic Blanket Certificate to expand the existing metering and regulation station at 38544 Dupont Blvd., in Selbyville.

Certificación Federal de Consistencia: Estación M&R de ESNG en Selbyville (2024.0011)

Eastern Shore Natural Gas propone utilizar un Certificado General Automático de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía para ampliar su estación de metraje y regulación existente, ubicada en 38544 Dupont Blvd. en Selbyville.

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

Temporary Holding Tank Permit for Autumndale Subdivision

SB Autumndale, LLC proposes to use a wet well and collection system to receive and temporarily store wastewater from 29 dwellings in the Autumndale Subdivision.

Allocation Permit: Town of Milton

The Town of Milton has requested to modify an allocation permit with five existing public wells and one proposed well to be located 0.4 miles South of Milton.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporter Permit: City of Rehoboth Beach

The City of Rehoboth Beach has applied for the renewal of a permit to transport municipal/industrial biosolids to be disposed of at the Sussex County Inland Bays Regional Wastewater facility and via land application.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporter Permit: Midway Services, Inc.

Midway Services, Inc. has applied for the renewal of a permit to transport septage, holding tank waste and grease trap waste/cooking oil waste to be disposed of at the Sussex County Inland Bays Regional Wastewater facility, Clean Delaware, LLC and Kent County Sewer Systems and Regional Resource Recovery Facilities.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporter Permit: L.E. Parsons Septic

L.E. Parsons Septic has applied for renewal of a permit to transport septage, holding tank waste and portable toilet waste to be disposed of at the Kent County Sewer System, Kent County Regional Resource Recovery Facility and New Castle County Sewer System.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporter Permit: Town of Middletown

The Town of Middletown has applied for renewal of a permit to transport non-hazardous liquid waste to be disposed of at the Town of Middletown holding tank.

Federal Consistency Determination: Central Atlantic Offshore Wind Lease Areas (2024.0012)

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is proposing commercial leasing and granting rights-of-way/rights-of-use and easements within three wind energy areas for future wind energy development in the Central Atlantic offshore of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.

Determinación Federal de Consistencia: Áreas de Arrendamiento para Instalaciones Eólicas Mar Adentro en el Centro del Atlántico (2024.0012)

La Oficina de Administración de Energía Oceánica propone el arrendamiento comercial y la adjudicación de derechos de vía/usufructo y servidumbre dentro de tres áreas de energía eólica para un futuro desarrollo de energía eólica mar adentro en el centro del Atlántico desde los estados de Delaware, Maryland y Virginia.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for Broadkiln Sportsmans Club (DE-1371)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Broadkiln Sportsmans Club Site located in Milton.

Plan Final de Medidas Correctivas para Club de Deportistas de Broadkiln (DE-1371)

El Departamento ha adoptado un plan con respecto a la limpieza del sitio del Broadkiln Sportsmans Club ubicado en Milton.

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

Water Allocation Permit: Scott Webb

Scott Webb has requested a modification of an existing allocation permit for one proposed and two existing irrigation wells located at 397 Todds Chapel Rd., in Greenwood.

Water Allocation Permit: Ruth Gallo, Trustee

Ruth Gallo has requested an allocation permit for a proposed irrigation well to be located 1.5 miles South of Magnolia in Kent County.

Water Allocation Permit: Wells Farms, Inc.

Wells Farms, Inc has requested modification of an allocation permit for one proposed irrigation well and five existing wells located 1 mile northeast of Milton.

Water Allocation Permit: Camden Wyoming Sewer and Water Authority

Camden Wyoming Sewer and Water Authority has requested modification of an existing allocation permit for three public wells located 2.4 miles east of Camden Wyoming.

Wetlands and Waterways Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for Former Seward Station Property (DE-1799)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up the Former Seward Station Property located at 2832 Arthursville Road in Hartly.

Plan Final de Acción Correctiva para la Antigua Propiedad de la Estación De Seward (DE-1799)

El Departamento ha adoptado un plan con respecto a la limpieza de la antigua propiedad de la estación Seward ubicada en 2832 Arthursville Road en Hartly.

Plan Final Aksyon Ratrapaj Ansyen Pwopriyete Estasyon Seward (DE-1799)

Depatman an te adopte yon plan konsènan pwopriyete Estasyon Seward Lapè ki sitiye nan 2832 Arthursville Road nan Hartly.

Notice of Comment Period: Submission of Title V Permits to the Delaware State Implementation Plan

The DNREC Division of Air Quality is providing notice regarding the submittal of three Title V permits to the Delaware State Implementation Plan (SIP).

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

Public Hearing: Proposed 2024 Weatherization Assistance Program Grant Application

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy will conduct a public hearing on to consider comments from the public on the Weatherization Assistance Program federal funding annual application.

Chandler Street Lift Station WPCC 3002/24

Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. proposes to modify a sewer pump station in Milton.

Monarch WPCC 3003/24

SB North, LLC proposes to install a suction lift duplex sewer pump station, sanitary sewer force main and related appurtenances to serve homes in the proposed Monarch residential subdivision located in Middletown.

Rural Area Waiver: Sarah & Purnell Potter IV

Sarah & Purnell Potter IV have applied for a Rural Area Waiver pursuant to Section 5.6.3 of The Regulations Governing the Design, Installation and Operation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems.
