
Natural Minor Permit Fee Initiative

The DNREC Division of Air Quality has been working to update the natural minor permit fees to reflect the current program needs. Outreach with the regulated community has been ongoing since 2019.

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Project Team Leaders
Division of Air Quality

The current fees cover about 25 percent of the costs of the Natural Minor (Regulation 1102) program. They have not been adjusted since they were set in 1991.

DNREC has continuously monitored the program needs and considers it essential to reevaluate this proposal and potentially reintroduce stand-alone legislation to increase the Natural Minor air permitting fees.

Crucial to that evaluation is direct contact and communication with Natural Minor permit holders.

The information below reflects previous fee recommendations. DNREC is working on a revised recommendation and will continue to conduct outreach on this issue as a new path forward is developed.

Previous Proposal

Outreach and Communication

The Division of Air Quality held virtual workshops in March of 2021 to reach out to, and gather feedback from, the regulated community.

The Division offered a presentation regarding the proposed changes to the fee program in a virtual workshop on Feb. 1, 2022.

To ask questions or provide comments, please send an email to
