
Additional Resources

This page lists additional resources that are referenced throughout the adaptation strategy documents associated with the I-ADAPT planning tool

These resources are listed alphabetically.


Community Rating System


Delaware Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards

Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)

Delaware Emergency Notification System (DENS)

Delaware Public Health Laboratory

Delaware Public Health: Private Well Owners

DNREC A Tree for Every Delawarean

DNREC Cantilevered Deck Worksheet

DNREC Delaware’s Coastal Dunes

DNREC Delaware Wetlands

DNREC Example Pedestrian Dune Crossovers

DNREC Green Roofs

DNREC Septic Rehabilitation Loan Program

DNREC Septic Systems

DNREC The Freshwater Wetland Toolbox

DNREC You Can Help Protect Beaches and Dunes

DNREC Water Supply


EPA: Green Roofs for Stormwater Runoff Control

EPA Principles of Wetland Restoration

EPA Private Drinking Water Wells

EPA: Stormwater Management Best Practices: Riprap

EPA: Green Infrastructure


FEMA 9.0 Protecting Service Equipment

FEMA: Accessory Structure

FEMA Add Waterproof Veneer to Exterior Walls

FEMA: Breakaway Wall

FEMA: Community Rating System

FEMA’s Community Rating System: A Local Official’s Guide

FEMA Design and Construction Guidance for Breakaway Walls

FEMA Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures (FEMA P-259)

FEMA FACT SHEET: Acquisition of a Property After a Flood Event

FEMA’s Flood Insurance Finder

FEMA: Floodplain Management Requirements for Agricultural Structures and Accessory Structures

FEMA Floodproofing Non-Residential Buildings

FEMA Free of Obstruction Requirements

FEMA Frequently asked Questions for FEMA-Funded Residential Property Voluntary Flood Buyouts

FEMA: Generators

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants

FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofitting (Chapter 8)

FEMA: How to Make your Home Safer and Stronger

FEMA Levee Design

FEMA P-499: Home Builder’s Guide to Coastal Construction

FEMA Other Methods

FEMA Principles and Practices for the Design and Construction of Flood Resistant Building Utility Systems

FEMA Protecting Building Utility Systems from Flood Damage

FEMA Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards

FEMA: Protect Your Home from Future Flooding

FEMA: Protect Your Property from Flooding

FEMA Recreational Vehicle

FEMA: Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding

FEMA Reducing Flood Risk for Buildings That Cannot Be Elevated

FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0

FEMA Standard Flood Insurance Reimbursement?

FEMA: Swimming Pools


Green Infrastructure Basics

Green Infrastructure Fact Sheet: Riparian Buffers


Licensed Class F Liquid Waste Hauler List

Licensed Class H System Inspector List


National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

NFIP Policy Building and Contents Coverage

Native Plant Nurseries Serving Delaware


Protecting the Inland Bays: A Waterfront Property Owner’s Guide


Recommended Trees by the Delaware Forest Service


Tree Selection and Placement


UD IPA: Grant Assistance Program (GAP)

UD: Native Plants for Delaware Landscapes

UD: Permeable vs. Impermeable Surfaces

University of Delaware Botanic Gardens: Rain Gardens

University of Delaware: Green Roofs

USACE Levee Owner’s Manual for Non-Federal Flood Control Works

US Army Corps of Engineers: Flood proofing tests: Tests of materials and systems for flood proofing structures

USDA Riparian Forest Buffers
