Pages Tagged With: "coastal management"
Marin Etazini pwopoze pou fè fòmasyon ak aktivite tès nouvo ak ki deja egziste nan Fòmasyon Flòt Atlantik ak Zòn Etid Tès.
La Armada de EE. UU. propone realizar actividades de entrenamiento y prueba nuevas y existentes en el área de estudio de entrenamiento y pruebas de la flota atlántica.
The United States Navy proposes to conduct new and existing training and testing activities in the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area.
Ministè Etazini pou lojman ak devlopman vil ofri pou l bay Sussex County Habitat for Humanity bourad lajan pou yo ka konstwi nèf kay endividyèl nan North Street, Seaford.
El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EE. UU. propone brindar asistencia financiera a Hábitat para la Humanidad del condado de Sussex para nueve viviendas adosadas en North Porter Street, Seaford.
The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Sussex County Habitat for Humanity for nine townhomes on North Porter Street, in Seaford.
Sèvis Nasyonal Lapèch Maritim nan te pwopoze chanjman nan règleman ki gen nan bato moman an konsènan vitès nan Atlantik Nò a pou plis diminye ris ki genyen pou balèn nwa k ap disparèt yo mouri e pou yo blese akoz bato k ap frape ansanm.
El Servicio Nacional de Pesca Marina propuso enmiendas a la norma vigente sobre la velocidad de los buques para reducirá las probabilidades de muertes y lesiones graves de ballenas francas en peligro de extinción debido.
The National Marine Fisheries Service has proposed amendments to the existing North Atlantic right whale vessel speed rule to further reduce the likelihood of mortalities and serious injuries from vessel strikes.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture proposes to fund the installation of a ground-mounted solar system at 33310 Horsey Church Rd, Laurel.
Eastern Shore Natural Gas proposes to install a natural gas lateral line and a new meter station in Felton.
DNREC’s Delaware Coastal Programs is developing an Ocean and Bay Plan to protect Delaware’s marine resources, ecological functions and ocean and bay uses. Developing the plan will include public input and review by stakeholders, residents and the public at large.
Questions and Answers
National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to update fishery management plans regarding Atlantic king mackerel and Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel.
Chesapeake Utilities proposes to construct, own, operate and maintain approximately 5.5 miles of 8-inch diameter buried natural gas main in the Selbyville and Fenwick Island areas of Sussex County.
A recent application to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for Federal Consistency Determination.
The USDA Farm Service Agency proposes to fund the construction a Grain Storage Bin at 3939 Hopkins Cemetery Road, in Felton.
The Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company proposes to relocate a section of buried natural gas pipeline along Polly Drummond Hill Road and Red Mill Road, near Newark, in coordination with a DelDOT road improvement project.
The National Marine Fisheries Services is proposing to promulgate a rule that would increase the commercial quota for Atlantic migratory group cobia.
The USDA Farm Service Agency is proposing to fund the construction of a grain storage bin and install a grain dryer on a property in Middletown.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development proposes to build a new five-story, 150-unit multi-family apartment structure at 401 A Street, Wilmington.
The Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is seeking a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorization for a proposed gas-line expansion/improvement project at an existing compressor station facility located on School House Road, Delaware City.
The USDA Farm Service Agency is proposing to fund the construction of a grain storage bin, involving ground disturbance below the plow line to pour a concrete foundation to be located at 1035 Jamison Corner Rd, Middletown.
The Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is seeking a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorization to relocate and/or perform maintenance on existing buried natural gas pipelines, at two locations along U.S. Route 13 in Sussex County.
Delaware City Refining Company proposes to dredge the cooling water intake channel and access channel. River View Industrial Park proposes to rectify non-permitted placement of fill by a previous owner.
The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) proposes to fund the construction of grain storage bins in Dover and in Townsend.
The Delaware Army National Guard proposes the demolition of Wings A & B of the Wilmington Readiness Center, on First Regiment Road, in Wilmington.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to re-issue the existing 52 nationwide permits (NWPs) and to issue two new NWPs.
A list of public hearing exhibits submitted for the record by the Delaware Coastal Management Program for the Sept. 29, 2020, Diamond State Port Corporation public hearing (Docket #2020-P-MULTI-0024). Exhibit 1: Federal Consistency Application, dated and received March 18, 2020 Exhibit 2: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Permit Application, Application
DNREC will hold a public hearing on a proposal from Diamond State Port Corporation to build a new container port at Edgemoor. The project will require permits from the Div. of Water and Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances, as well as a Federal Consistency Certification from the Delaware Coastal Management Program.
In 2020, Diamond State Port Corporation (DSPC) proposed to build a new container port on the Delaware River at 4600 Hay Road, Edgemoor, in New Castle County. The project requires permits from the DNREC Division of Water and Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances. It also needs Federal Consistency Certification from the Delaware Coastal Management
The Unionville Rowing Club, Inc. proposes to install a gangway, dock, and two steel cables in the Christina River at 301 A Street, Wilmington.
The Delaware Coastal Airport proposes the placement of a 12 x 20 foot pre-constructed, wooden shed on the property at 21424 Cedar Creek Ave, Georgetown.
The Delaware Coastal Management Program has submitted its draft 2021-2025 Section 309 Enhancement Area Assessment and Strategy to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management.
The Delaware Army National Guard is proposing to construct a 13,240 square foot housing barracks with an overall height of approximately 30 feet and a 6,500 square foot footprint within the 100-year floodplain of Salt Pond and the Atlantic Ocean on a 99 acre property owned by the State of Delaware located at 163 Scannell Blvd., Bethany Beach.
The National Marine Fisheries Service is proposing to adjust the current regulations for North Atlantic swordfish and shark retention limits for certain permit holders in U.S. Atlantic and Caribbean waters, including modifying retention limits and adding regulatory criteria for in season adjustment of retention limits.
The USDA, Farm Service Agency, proposes to provide financial assistance for the purchase of an existing poultry operation with residence at 24735 Nine Foot Road, Millsboro.
Federal Consistency Certifications have been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for the Lawton 10-Slip Docking Facility for construction of a 10-slip marina in Herring Creek at Sisters Lane.
A listing of recent Federal Consistency Certifications submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program.
A Federal Consistency Determination has been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for an amendment to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan.
The Delaware Army National Guard proposes the demolition of a 1,540 square foot latrine at the Bethany Beach Training Site, at 163 Scannell Blvd., Bethany Beach.
Eastern Shore Natural Gas proposes the relocation of two natural gas pipelines totaling 3.2 miles in length along Wrangle Hill Road, in Bear.
The Delaware Army National Guard proposes to build a 6,020 square foot physical fitness center at the Bethany Beach Training Site at 163 Scannell Blvd.
IPOD LLC has submitted a Federal Consistency Certification to the Delaware Coastal Management Program to add a pier and a dock with a kayak launch float to an existing platform over wetlands in the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, proposes maintenance dredging at Mispillion Inlet and Cedar Creek, in Sussex County, for a ten year period using Corps-owned dredge boats.
A listing of federal consistency determinations that have been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program.
NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service is proposing to adjust regulatory measures put in place to manage bluefin tuna bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery for Atlantic highly migratory species.
The Delaware Coastal Airport at 21513 Rudder Lane, Georgetown, is proposing the demolition of an existing 6,500 square foot hangar/office facility and the construction of a new approximately 20,000 square foot aircraft hangar with associated parking spaces.
Federal Consistency Determinations have been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for the Sussex Montessori School to use USDA assistance to construct a Montessori school on their existing property at 24960 Dairy Lane, in Seaford.