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 Pages Categorized With: "Division of Water"

Water Supply Coordinating Council

The current Water Supply Coordinating Council was established by the Delaware General Assembly (7 Del. Code Chapter 75A) to manage, protect, and ensure the adequacy of a clean water supply throughout Delaware.

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Matthew T. Grabowski 302-739-9945


The Resource Protection Section actively pursues supplemental funding for projects to address issues of concern. This funding typically comes from Federal Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Geological Survey (USGS) or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). While these

Water Quality Monitoring

The Division of Water monitors ambient water quality and multiple sites around the state to help support multiple goals of the Department. It also tracks the causes and effects of saltwater intrusion. Ambient Groundwater Monitoring The Division of Water is expanding the number of existing groundwater monitoring wells throughout

Data Coordination

The Resource Evaluation and Protection program provides data support to Division of Water programs, interagency partners and the public. The Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS) The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) maintains an EQuIS™ database, from EarthSoft® Inc., to store and analyze both field and laboratory

Public Water Supply

The protection of groundwater resources and the area surrounding public water supply wellheads is an integral aspect of water supply assessment and protection. Groundwater Protection The Groundwater Protection Program provides technical review of permit applications for non-hazardous waste sites (large septic, wastewater spray irrigation, sludge application) and for water well permit applications

Source Water Assessment and Protection

The Source Water Assessment and Protection Program provides for the assessment and protection of sources of public drinking water from both surface water and groundwater sources in Delaware.

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Doug Rambo 302-739-9948
   Water Supply and Allocations     

Water Conservation

Drought watches, warnings and emergencies in Delaware are declared by the Governor, with guidance from the Water Supply Coordinating Council. In a drought watch or a drought warning, voluntary conservation measures are in effect. During a drought emergency, mandatory water use restrictions are imposed. Allocated users may

Water Allocation Permitting

A water allocation permit is required for all major water withdrawals under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of Water (7 DE Admin. Code 7303). The Division of Water publishes instructions and guidance for completing a water allocation permit application. A separate permit is required for water impoundments.

Water Use Reporting

Water allocation permit holders in Delaware are required to record and report water usage each year. These reports are used by the Division of Water in long-term water supply planning and water conservation efforts. Public, industrial, irrigation, golf course, and commercial users report monthly production for each water facility (well

Environmental Laboratory Quote Requests

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory provides scientifically credible analytical and technical support to DNREC and other state agencies. It can also provide testing for other projects on a contractual basis. Please complete the form below to submit a request for a quote. Lab staff will review the information provided and provide a quote

Division of Water Page Update Index

This page contains a table showing the new URLs for the updated DNREC Division of Water pages on the DNREC Website. The division’s portion of the site has been reorganized to better match the present organizational structure of the division. This table lists the page titles and URLs of the previous

The History of the Environmental Laboratory

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory has been helping with the protection of Delaware’s public health and the environment since it came into being in support of the Water Pollution Commission. The Delaware Water Pollution Control Act of 1949 established the Water Pollution Commission “to maintain within its jurisdiction a reasonable quality of water consistent

Environmental Laboratory Sections

Staff at the Delaware Environmental Laboratory work in specialized sections, providing scientifically credible analytical and technical support to DNREC and other state agencies. Field Services The Field Services Section is responsible for collecting the samples that are analyzed by the various sections in the lab. In addition, they provide

Division of Water License Fees

This page lists the various fees charged by the Division of Water for licenses, organized by program. Groundwater Discharges Type Fee Class A – Percolator Annual $40 Temporary Class A – Percolator

The DNREC Well Viewer

The DNREC Well Viewer is a map-based tool to help well drillers and homeowners explore data about well locations. Use the application to choose where to place a well or to learn about an existing well.

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Water Well Licenses

All water well contractors, pump installer contractors, well drillers, well drivers and pump installers in Delaware must be properly licensed by DNREC through the Delaware Water Well Licensing Board.

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Div. of Water Licensing 302-739-9116
Digital DNREC [button

Planning and Legal

The Planning and Legal group provides technical, legal and data resources to the Division of Water to support the activities of the various regulatory and resource protection programs.

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Scott Figurski 302-739-9945
A Commitment to Continuous

Compliance Assistance and Enforcement

Staff with the DNREC Division of Water’s Compliance and Enforcement Program review data submitted by permit holders and provide oversight to ensure facilities stay in compliance with their permits. They provide compliance assistance and recommend best practices for permittees.

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Colleen Slater 302-739-9945

Resource Protection Section

The Resource Protection Section evaluates and protects Delaware’s water resources through technical assistance, field monitoring and sampling services, regulatory implementation, and standardizing processes for the Division’s inspection, compliance, and enforcement actions.  Professional Licensing The division oversees licensing for wastewater system operators, professionals involved in on-site wastewater treatment

Commercial and Government Services

The Commercial and Government Services Section serves the permitting and licensing needs of industrial, municipal and agricultural customers. Wastewater, Stormwater and Biosolids The division regulates the construction of wastewater treatment facilities including spray irrigation systems, land treatment of waste, large systems and underground injection systems. The division

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Permits

Authorization from the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section is required for activities in tidal wetlands or in tidal and non-tidal waters in the State of Delaware. The Section issues various types of authorizations depending upon the location and type of activity proposed.
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What’s Regulated?

The state regulates activities in tidal wetlands and in tidal and non-tidal waters in the State of Delaware. Wetlands in Delaware are regulated under the Delaware Wetland Regulations (7 DE Admin. Code 7502), the Regulations Governing the Use of Subaqueous Lands (7 DE Admin. Code 7504) and the

State Regulated Wetlands Map Index

To determine if you have state-regulated tidal wetlands on your property, browse or search the index map to find and download maps of state-regulated wetlands. [giciframe

Are There Wetlands on My Property?

The State of Delaware and the federal government both have laws and regulations that govern wetlands, but they use different methods for determining the location and extent of the wetlands they regulate.

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Matt Jones 302-739-9943

Wetlands and Waterways

The DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section provides permitting services for activities in Delaware’s wetlands, bays, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and other waterways that might require a permit under state law. Are There Wetlands on My Property? Learn the differences between state-regulated and federally-regulated wetlands and how you

Well and Water Use Permit Data

The DNREC Division of Water maintains a database of water well and water use data derived from permit applications, reports from permit holders and well completion and abandonment reports. Data are available for use by the regulated community, intergovernmental partners and the public. A full listing of past, present and

Construction of Monitor and Observation Wells

Monitor and observation wells constructed in Delaware must conform to the requirements of the Delaware Regulations Governing the Construction and Use of Wells (7 DE Admin. Code 7301). This page reiterates some of the requirements found in the regulations. It also establishes additional criteria for the design and construction of monitor and observation

Water Supply Assessment and Protection

The DNREC Division of Water oversees major water withdrawals, greater than 50,000 gallons per day, from any surface water or groundwater source in Delaware. It permits and allocates withdrawals through the Water Supply Assessment and Protection (WSAP) program. The Division permits water allocations under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of

Board of Certification for Wastewater Operators

The Board of Certification For Operators of Wastewater Treatment Facilities was created to advise and assist the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control in the administration of the Delaware Licensed Wastewater Operator certification program.

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Licensing Coordinator 302-739-9116

Wastewater Operator Certification

All wastewater treatment facilities in Delaware must be operated under the direct supervision of a Delaware Licensed Wastewater Operator.

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Div. of Water Licensing 302-739-9116
Digital DNREC Div. of Water

Wastewater Facilities

The DNREC Division of Water issues permits to construct facilities that will store, collect, convey or treat sewerage and other wastewaters. Permits are issued to safeguard the environment and ensure that the facilities are designed to manage the wastes properly.

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Gordon Woodrow

Industrial Stormwater Runoff

The Industrial Storm Water Permitting Program is designed to prevent the contamination of storm water runoff from a facility by properly handling and storing materials.

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Matthew Davison 302-739-9945
The Industrial Storm Water Permitting Program operates under the

Aquatic Pesticides

The application of pesticides onto Delaware surface water requires a permit from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). Permits for this activity are part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

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Gavin Ferris 302-739-9946

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and the Department of Agriculture jointly manage the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) NPDES permitting program.

Contact Us

Alexis Capes DNREC Div. of Water 302-739-9946 Chris Brosch Dept. of Agriculture, Nutrient Management 302-698-4555

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

Stormwater runoff from urban and industrial areas can contain harmful pollutants. To help keep these pollutants from being washed or dumped into surface waters, operators of municipal separate storm sewer systems (known as MS4s) must get a permit and develop a stormwater management program.
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Individual NPDES Permits

An individual NPDES permit is tailored to a specific discharge and location. These are typically outfalls from municipal sewage treatment facilities or industrial plants that discharge to surface waters of Delaware. The NPDES permit specifies limitations, monitoring requirements, and other terms and conditions that the permittee must meet in order to be allowed to discharge.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulates point sources that discharge pollutants into the state’s surface water bodies. It helps ensure that the state’s water bodies can meet their designated uses, such as providing drinking water, being safe for swimming or fishing, or supporting aquatic life.

Land Treatment of Waste

Solids generated in the treatment of sanitary wastewater are known as biosolids. Solids generated in the treatment of wastewater without a sanitary component are known as non-hazardous waste residuals. These solid products may be permitted for land application as a fertilizer and for other end uses.
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Underground Injection Control

The Division of Water reviews and permits the use of underground injection wells in Delaware.

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Div. of Water 302-739-9948
Online Applications Div. of Water Permit Fees

Spray Irrigation Program Resources

This page provides a general interpretation of existing methods for designing spray irrigation facilities, and also considers the relative effectiveness and limitations of these facilities.

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Marlene Baust 302-739-9948
Online Applications Div. of Water

Spray Irrigation Systems

Spray irrigation of reclaimed water has been in use in Delaware since the 1970s. Reclaimed water is water that has been recovered through the treatment of wastewater at wastewater treatment facilities. Once reclaimed water has been properly treated, it can be applied to agricultural fields, golf courses, forests, parks, roadway medians and cemeteries.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters

The DNREC Division of Water issues permits to Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters under the Delaware Regulations Governing the Design, Installation and Operation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (7 DE Admin. Code 7101).

Contact Us

Div. of Water 302-739-9948
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Groundwater Discharge Licenses

The DNREC Division of Water issues licenses for the various professions involved in designing, installing and maintaining on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Licenses are granted under the state’s on-site systems regulations and with input from the On-Site Systems Advisory Board.

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Div. of

Water Well Licensing Board

The Water Well Licensing Board advises and assists the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) in the administration of the Water Well Licensing program.

Contact Us

Sarah Silves 302-739-9116

On-Site Systems Advisory Board

The On-Site Systems Advisory Board advises the Department on the groundwater discharges licensing program. The Board, created in the on-site systems regulations (7 DE Admin. Code, 7101), reviews and approves professional training requirements and courses and makes recommendations for licensing decisions by the Department.
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Boards and Councils

The DNREC Division of Water works with a number of boards and councils that help it manage various programs and provide outside input and advice on permitting, licensing and other issues. Meetings of the these boards and councils are open to the public. They are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on

Division of Water Permit Fees

This page lists the various fees charged by the DNREC Division of Water for permits, leases and other regulatory items. The tables are organized by type of permit, license, etc. They include whether the fee is a one-time or annual fee. Some items also include a Public Notice (Notice) fee.

Division of Water Forms

This page lists application forms for licenses, permits, leases and other regulatory items from the DNREC Division of Water. Applications are being moved to the online DNREC ePermitting system. As they are moved, they will be replaced with links to that system. Eventually, this page will not be needed

Residential Services

The Residential Services Section serves property owners and their selected contractors and appointed agents. The scope of services includes drinking water wells, septic systems and other residential activities that affect water resources in the ground. Wastewater Disposal The Wastewater Disposal Program oversees all aspects of the siting,

Innovative and Alternative Systems

In some cases, where site constraints limit the ability to install conventional wastewater treatment systems, the Department may approve innovative or alternative systems. These are alternative technologies that have been proven to provide at least an equivalent level of treatment as the conventional systems used in Delaware.
