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 Pages Categorized With: "Outdoor Delaware"

Hunters: What You Need to Know

Hunting season gets underway in Delaware on September 1. Get all the information you need to go afield.

Our Not So Secretive Marsh Birds

DNREC scientists are unlocking some of the mysteries of Delaware’s secretive marsh birds. Clapper rails, saltmarsh sparrows and other species are facing many challenges. How are they faring?

How to Stay Safe on the Water

Delaware’s waterways are packed with boat traffic this summer. Here are some tips and requirements you need to know to stay safe and enjoy your nautical adventures in the First State.

Snakes to Watch Out For

There are 19 species of snakes slithering around Delaware. Which ones should you watch out for and what are the best ways to avoid them?

How to Prevent Backyard Mosquitos

zzzzz … slap. Sound familiar? The whine of buzzing mosquitoes followed by swats is a tell-tale sign of summer in Delaware. There’s plenty you can do in your backyard to reduce populations of these pests. Our Mosquito Control Section has tips to share, along with the mosquitos to watch out for.

On the Move – Delmarva Fox Squirrels in Delaware

Delmarva fox squirrels are rare in Delaware. Just because you haven’t seen one of these large, silver-gray, fluffy-tailed squirrels doesn’t mean you won’t – especially if you live in Sussex County. Our Division of Fish and Wildlife just moved 15 more into the area, as part of an ongoing translocation program.

Meet the Lemurs (and More!) at The Brandywine Zoo

They have long striped tails, intense eyes and they’re full of antics. Meet the lemurs – and the other animals – at the Brandywine Zoo’s new Madagascar Exhibit.

Our Planet, Our Responsibility

Most of us do the best we can to reduce our carbon footprint by recycling more, taking more public transportation, or using less electricity to heat and cool our homes. But what else can we do? Outdoor Delaware asked our experts for a list of the best ways we can help our planet.

Playlist: Songs Inspired by Earth Day

DNREC staff have come up with an Earth Day playlist to help you get into the mood to plant some trees, pick up trash in your neighborhood or just enjoy nature.

Spring – It’s Bird TV

Now is a great time to grab your binoculars to witness the spectacle of the return of our migrant bird species throughout the state. Outdoor Delaware sat down with our staff birders to talk about spring birding and what makes it so special.

Shopping in Delaware? Here are Four Alternatives for Plastic Carryout Bags

Delaware’s recent plastic bag ban may have you looking for other ways to take your groceries home. Here are four alternatives to single-use carryout plastic bags that are better for you and the environment.

Four Tips for Fishing with Young Anglers

Fishing is a great activity for young people to jump-start interest in the natural environment. Our staff agree, there is no time like the present to encourage the next generation of environmental stewards.

The Transformers

You may not have heard about them, but there are brownfields all over Delaware. They’re neither pretty nor healthy. That is, until we step in to clean them up and make way for redevelopment.

K-9s – DNREC’s Natural Resources Police Superpower

They find lost children and suspects, sniff out illegal drugs and perform many other law enforcement tasks. But instead of two legs, they have four. They’re enforcement officers like any other with our Natural Resources Police.

More Than a Drink of WATAR

Safer water for us, less flooding and shad returning to their spawning grounds in the Brandywine River. Our WATAR team is making it happen.

Answering the Call 24/7 – Our Emergency Response Team

Our Emergency Response Team is the state’s designated first responder for environmental emergencies. The team is on call 24/7 to respond to emergencies from oil spills to clandestine drug labs, chemical leaks, radiological incidents and many more that may occur.

Plastic Carryout Bags in Delaware – Their End is Here

As of January 1, we no longer use plastic carryout bags from many places like convenience, grocery or other retail stores. Most retailers don’t distribute point-of-sale plastic carryout bags anymore. You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.

Sportsmen Against Hunger – The Season for Giving

Few things are better for avid hunters than a successful day in the field. Add the satisfaction of providing for families, creating opportunities for others, and supporting local charities, and you have an even better recipe. Our Sportsmen Against Hunger program represents what the holiday season is all about.

Delaware’s Formula for Increasing Recycling – Do the Right Thing the Right Way

We celebrated America Recycles Day in November. The goal is to increase recycling efforts nationwide and in Delaware. And there are plenty of opportunities for us to make a difference, right now, through proper recycling. Our Secretary, Shawn Garvin, shares tips on how we can all recycle the right way.

Microplastics: A Not So Tiny Tale

What happens to plastic after it fulfills its original purpose? Recycling gives many plastic items a second use but vast amounts are discarded and make their way into the environment. Some of this becomes microplastics. DNREC scientists are working on ways to clean them up.

Our Weatherization Assistance Program – Helping Families Reduce Energy Costs

DNREC can help even out the potentially high costs of home heating, and make a home more energy efficient, through the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Hanging with the Bats

Many of us are scared of bats. But they’re far more beneficial than harmful – and they’re not out to get us.

2020 Coastal Cleanup Photos

A gallery of photos from volunteers who turned out during September to help clean their favorite beach or park, or their own neighborhood, during the month-long Delaware Coastal Cleanup.

“Not My Trash – But I Picked It Up.”
Coastal Cleanup 2020

For 32 years, volunteers cleared tons of trash from Delaware beaches in single-day events. In 2020, to make the Coastal Cleanup accessible and safe for everyone, the effort transitioned to a month-long campaign.

Outdoor Delaware: Fun and Education

Get smarter about our environment and enjoy the journey. Learn what makes our natural world tick and how we can help conserve and protect it.

Waste Not Want Not: What Really Happens to Our Recyclables

Delaware’s Materials Recycling Facility is a 64-thousand-square-foot repurposing facility with state-of-the-art sorting equipment.

Outdoor Delaware: Boating, Fishing and Hunting

Want to go cruisin’, drop a line or test your aim? Here’s where you’ll find out about seasons, safety, licenses and much more.

Outdoor Delaware: People

Who’s behind the discoveries we make? What’s it like to be a hunter? How do our K9 officers help our Natural Resource Police? Get these answers and more.

Disc Golf: No Funny Pants Required

Any disc golf enthusiast will tell you it’s a great game. No clubs are required, you don’t need a caddie or an electric cart, you can play alone or with a group, and you don’t have to wear funny pants.

Go Herpin’ — Join the Effort to Catalogue Delaware’s Reptiles and Amphibians

You can help us create the first-ever Delaware Amphibian and Reptile Atlas by submitting photos and locations of Delaware’s reptiles and amphibians, or as we call them, “herps.”

Outdoor Delaware: Adventure

Outdoors or indoors, there are plenty of exciting activities to experience and places to see in Delaware. Discover what’s out there!

Outdoor Delaware: Health and Science

What are the latest discoveries our scientists are making? How are we keeping our air and water cleaner? What’s White-nose syndrome? Learn more.

Outdoor Delaware: Animals

Hey animal lovers! Find out all about Delaware’s wildlife, from who’s new at the Brandywine Zoo to the other creatures that crawl, swim, walk and fly.

Outdoor Delaware: Nature

Delaware is full of beauty and wonder. From our insects and animals, to our wild lands and beaches, learn why our natural world is important to all of us.

Outdoor Delaware: Conservation

Want to find out how we can help the environment? From habitat and wildlife protection to recycling, learn how we can conserve our natural resources.

Our Own Toliara

Toliara is a radiated tortoise who lives at the Brandywine Zoo. Radiated tortoises are reptiles and considered among the most beautiful in the world. His ancestors emerged on land shortly after dinosaurs became extinct some 65 million years ago.

From Phragmites Part-Timer to a Wildlife Management Career, Thanks Delaware!

Former Division of Fish and Wildlife Regional Manager Bill Jones reflects on 34 years in state service and his progress from a part-time job to a career in wildlife management.

What About Kestrels? The Brandywine Zoo is Finding Out

The American kestrel is a pint-sized yet ferocious aerial predator notorious for taking out tree swallows or bluebirds in mid-air. About the size of a mourning dove, this raptor is the smallest and most colorful falcon in North America.

Jellyfish to Watch Out For

Are you planning to go for a swim? If so, you may encounter jellyfish because they love warm water. And there are several species of jellies you should keep a watchful eye on as you venture out for a dip.

Wildlife Enthusiasts – Check Out Improved Access to the Bayshore!

Enjoy birding, boating, fishing, hiking, hunting, taking photographs or just watching wildlife in their natural habitats when you visit the Delaware Bayshore. It doesn’t take much effort to find your favorite spot to enjoy some time outdoors.

Time Travelers Dig the John Bell House

The Delaware State Parks Time Traveler program offers a hands-on experience for volunteers to get involved in cultural heritage work at our state parks. And you can literally get your hands dirty.

Everything Including the Kitchen “Sink” — Delaware’s Artificial Reefs

Over 20 years, Delaware has recycled more than two million tons of rock, 100,000 tons of concrete, 86 tanks and armored personnel carriers, 1,329 retired subway cars and 27 retired vessels to create new, artificial reefs.

Electric Vehicles – On the Move in Delaware

Our relationship with electric automobiles has run hot and cold over the last 100 years, with gas-powered vehicles always winning in the end. Now people are looking for cleaner alternatives as concerns for the environment increase.

Your Guide to Nature, Conservation and Fun

Outdoor Delaware, Delaware’s award-winning conservation magazine, is published four times each year and presents stunning photography, detailed feature articles, regular columnists, and more.
