
Commercial and Government Services

The Commercial and Government Services Section serves the permitting and licensing needs of industrial, municipal and agricultural customers.

Notification: Winchelsea Subdivision approved for temporary emergency variance to immediately operate and maintain a temporary holding tank system for storage of domestic wastewater generated by ten dwellings in the Winchelsea Subdivision.

Wastewater, Stormwater and Biosolids

The division regulates the construction of wastewater treatment facilities including spray irrigation systems, land treatment of waste, large systems and underground injection systems. The division also implements the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Water Supply Assessment and Protection

The division regulates large water withdrawals, provides data on well permits and advises on water conservation and water supply coordination.

Protecting groundwater resources and the areas surrounding public water supply wellheads is an integral aspect of Assessment and Protection.

Section Leadership

Commercial and Government Services Section Manager
John Rebar, Jr.

Wastewater, Stormwater and Biosolids Management
Gordon Woodrow
Phone: 302-739-9946

Water Supply Assessment and Protection
Patricia Murray

Wastewater, Stormwater and Biolsolids
– 302-739-9946

Water Allocation Permits and Data
– 302-739-9948

Stormwater Concerns
– 302-739-9946

DNREC Environmental Hotline

Use the Environmental Hotline — 1-800-662-8802 — to report spills and other environmental emergencies.

Permit Compliance Questions

Contact the Resource Protection Section: 302-739-9945

Data and Online Services

DNREC Open Data

Online Applications

Division of Water Permit Fees

Drinking Water Watch — A DHSS tool to view drinking water data in Delaware.
