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 Pages Tagged With: "wells"

Allocation Permit: Phillip N. Sylvester Farms Inc.

Donald Bullock has requested an allocation permit for an existing irrigation well located 3.5 miles north of Greenville.

Water Allocation Permit: EM Smith Limited Partnership

Donald Smith has requested an allocation permit for a proposed irrigation well to be located 4 miles West of Millsboro in Sussex County.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A list of applications to the DNREC Division of Water for water allocation permits.

Public Water Supply

The protection of groundwater resources and the area surrounding public water supply wellheads is an integral aspect of water supply assessment and protection. Groundwater Protection The Groundwater Protection Program provides technical review of permit applications for non-hazardous waste sites (large septic, wastewater spray irrigation, sludge application) and for water well permit applications

Source Water Assessment and Protection

The Source Water Assessment and Protection Program provides for the assessment and protection of sources of public drinking water from both surface water and groundwater sources in Delaware.

Contact Us

Doug Rambo 302-739-9948
   Water Supply and Allocations     

Water Conservation

Drought watches, warnings and emergencies in Delaware are declared by the Governor, with guidance from the Water Supply Coordinating Council. In a drought watch or a drought warning, voluntary conservation measures are in effect. During a drought emergency, mandatory water use restrictions are imposed. Allocated users may

Water Allocation Permitting

A water allocation permit is required for all major water withdrawals under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of Water (7 DE Admin. Code 7303). The Division of Water publishes instructions and guidance for completing a water allocation permit application. A separate permit is required for water impoundments.

Water Use Reporting

Water allocation permit holders in Delaware are required to record and report water usage each year. These reports are used by the Division of Water in long-term water supply planning and water conservation efforts. Public, industrial, irrigation, golf course, and commercial users report monthly production for each water facility (well

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Division of Water for water allocation permits.

Water Allocation Permit: Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson has requested an allocation permit for five wells located on Dexter Corner Road, 3.8 miles South of Townsend.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits.

The DNREC Well Viewer

The DNREC Well Viewer is a map-based tool to help well drillers and homeowners explore data about well locations. Use the application to choose where to place a well or to learn about an existing well.

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Construction of Monitor and Observation Wells

Monitor and observation wells constructed in Delaware must conform to the requirements of the Delaware Regulations Governing the Construction and Use of Wells (7 DE Admin. Code 7301). This page reiterates some of the requirements found in the regulations. It also establishes additional criteria for the design and construction of monitor and observation

Water Supply Assessment and Protection

The DNREC Division of Water oversees major water withdrawals, greater than 50,000 gallons per day, from any surface water or groundwater source in Delaware. It permits and allocates withdrawals through the Water Supply Assessment and Protection (WSAP) program. The Division permits water allocations under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of

Underground Injection Control

The Division of Water reviews and permits the use of underground injection wells in Delaware.

Contact Us

Div. of Water 302-739-9948
Online Applications Div. of Water Permit Fees

Water Well Licensing Board

The Water Well Licensing Board advises and assists the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) in the administration of the Water Well Licensing program.

Contact Us

Sarah Silves 302-739-9116

Residential Services

The Residential Services Section serves property owners and their selected contractors and appointed agents. The scope of services includes drinking water wells, septic systems and other residential activities that affect water resources in the ground. Wastewater Disposal The Wastewater Disposal Program oversees all aspects of the siting,

Well Permits

The DNREC Well Permits Program manages and issues well construction and use permits for wells that withdraw 50,000 gallons per day or less of water. The program also inspects wells and maintains data on the construction and status of all wells for which a well construction or use permit has been issued.

DNREC Division of Water

The DNREC Division of Water manages and protects Delaware’s water resources. It performs applied research and provides technical assistance, laboratory services, and regulatory guidance and implementation. Residential Services The Residential Services Section serves property owners,

Water Allocation Permit: ML Joseph Sand & Gravel Co

ML Joseph Sand & Gravel has requested an allocation permit for two proposed wells to be located south of Collins Pond Acres on Seashore Highway in Sussex County.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits for irrigation wells.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits for irrigation wells.

Water Supply Section Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for allocation permits for irrigation wells.

Water Allocation Permits

A listing of recent Water Allocation Permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section.

Water Allocation Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits for irrigation wells.

Water Allocation Permit: Allen Harim Foods, LLC

Allen Harim Foods, LLC has requested a renewal of its industrial water allocation for four existing industrial wells and one existing public well located south of Harbeson in Sussex County.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

DelDOT and Artesian Water Company have both applied to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits for wells in Sussex County.

Water Supply Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of allocation permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply section for proposed irrigation wells.

Water Supply Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications for water allocation permits and permit modifications.

Public Notice: Water Supply Allocation Permits

Division of Water Start Date: 3/10/2019 End Date: 3/25/2019
W.C. Farms, LLC has requested an irrigation allocation for one proposed and one existing irrigation wells. The maximum daily withdrawal for the wells will be 2,268,000
