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 Pages Tagged With: "climate change"

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

The Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program is a federal grant administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

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Program Guidelines and Operational Procedures

The purpose of these guidelines is to define procedures relating to the Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program (Cool Switch). The goal in establishing these guidelines is to provide a streamlined procedure for administering and distributing program funds. These guidelines provide rules of practice and procedures for rebate applications and disbursement of rebates for low-impact

Earth Day, 2023

As we renew our commitment to our planet this Earth Day, we can be proud of the progress we are making toward reducing emissions by focusing on clean transportation, energy efficiency, clean energy, offsetting carbon emissions and more.

Funding Opportunities for Tree Plantings

Funding for tree-plantings is available from a variety of sources for private residences and landowners, communities and homeowners associations, non-governmental organizations, parks, schools, municipalities, counties and state agencies. Private Residences and Landowners Clean Water Act 319 Grants from the

Implementing Delaware’s Climate Action Plan

Delaware has for more than a decade been working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and increase the state’s resilience to climate change. The Climate Action Plan outlines broad strategies and specific actions that can be taken to further those efforts.

Earth Day 2022 – The Time for Bold Action on Climate Change

For Earth Day, 2022, Gov. John Carney and DNREC Sec. Shawn M. Garvin wrote an article on the need to take bold action on climate change.

Delaware Climate Leadership Academy

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) administers the Delaware Climate Leadership Academy, which aims to build climate literacy and awareness in the state.
About the Academy Academy Programs [button type=”primary”

Climate Leadership Academy Programs

The Delaware Climate Leadership Academy offers programs for public and private sector professionals and leaders to learn how climate change is impacting Delaware, build preparedness and advance solutions through collaboration and technical training.
Climate Leadership Academy

About the Academy

The Delaware Climate Leadership Academy is a DNREC-sponsored initiative established to provide foundational and continuing education on climate risk assessment, planning and solutions for state and local government officials, infrastructure executives and business leaders.
Climate Leadership Academy [button type=”primary” block=”true”

Offshore Wind

Delaware continues to explore opportunities and challenges presented by the growing offshore wind industry. The state has set a target of achieving 40% renewable energy by 2035. Increasing renewable energy in Delaware is also identified as a strategy in Delaware’s Climate Action Plan to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that are driving

Climate and Sustainability Initiatives

DNREC’s Climate and Sustainability Section is charged with reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change and improving Delaware’s resiliency to impacts of climate change. We accomplish this through technical assistance, financial incentives, policy development, pilot projects and education initiatives.

A Tree for Every Delawarean

Trees are natural champions. From our state forests to our city parks, trees improve air and water quality, preserve soil, and support wildlife – and they play a critical role in helping to fight climate change.
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Delaware’s Climate Impacts

Climate change looks different depending on where you are in the world. In Delaware, climate change primarily takes the form of sea level rise, increasing temperatures and more frequent intense storms, including heavy precipitation and flooding.
Climate Action Plan Menu [dropdown-item

Climate Change Basics

Earth’s climate is changing, resulting in increasing temperatures and precipitation, and contributing to extreme weather and rising seas. The effects of climate change are already being observed in Delaware.
Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action

    Delaware Emissions

    Human activities have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, threatening the health and wellbeing of the people of Delaware.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
  • Climate Change

    Actions You Can Take

    Climate change is a global issue that will require global solutions, but we can all play a part in that greater effort by reducing our energy usage and conserving our resources.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s

    Minimizing Impacts

    By maximizing resilience and adapting to climate change impacts now, we are better prepared for extreme and unexpected events.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
  • Climate Change Basics

  • Data and Tools

    Delaware has taken steps to address the causes and consequences of climate change with the goal of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing resilience to the impacts of climate change we are witnessing today.
    Climate Action Plan Menu

    Terms and Definitions

    A glossary of terms used in the Delaware Climate Action Plan and in conversations about climate issues.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
  • Climate Change Basics

  • Minimizing Emissions

    By minimizing greenhouse gas emissions now, we contribute to a worldwide effort to reduce the severity of rapid climate change.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
  • Climate Change Basics

  • Hydrofluorocarbons

    In March of 2021, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) adopted a regulation on prohibitions of hydrofluorocarbons in specific end-uses.


    Kyle Krall Division of Air Quality 302-324-2083

    Sea Level Rise and Delaware’s Wetlands

    Over the past century, Delaware has experienced a sea level rise of more than one foot. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the rate of sea level rise will increase over the next century. This will lead to the loss of coastal wetlands in Delaware. [column md=”6″ xclass=”col=xs-12 col-md-6

    Public Participation

    Public participation has been essential to developing Delaware’s Climate Action Plan. In addition to public workshops held in the spring and fall of 2020, online surveys and comment forms soliciting public input, DNREC sought insight from Delaware-based technical stakeholders in the buildings, electric power, industrial transportation and waste

    Delaware’s Climate Action Plan

    Delaware’s Climate Action Plan is a playbook for how the state can prepare for climate change in the decades ahead.
    Climate Action Plan Menu
  • Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
  • Climate Change Basics

  • Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program

    The Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program’s goal is to incentivize the use of refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential impacts.

    Contact Us

    Chloe Hennig Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy 302-735-3480
    Program Guidelines [button type=”primary”

    Climate Communications Training

    It is possible to facilitate informative and empowering conversations about climate change. In this two-day course, participants will learn about strategic framing – a research based approach to communication that engages audiences in thinking productively about how they can participate in creating or supporting solutions to climate change. Overview

    Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    Delaware is a participant in a multi-state carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program developed as a cooperative effort among the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia to cap and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the power sector. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes

    Clean Power Plan Meetings

    In 2015, the EPA set the first-ever carbon pollution limits for existing power plants. The rules, known as the Clean Power Plan, were issued under the Clean Air Act. Between 2014, when the Plan was just a proposal, then and 2018, when the EPA reversed itself and rescinded those rules, DNREC worked with residents and

    Planning for Clean Power

    The state of Delaware began working on a Clean Power Plan in response to carbon pollution limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015. In August of 2018, the EPA reversed itself and repealed those rules. It has proposed a new “Affordable Clean Energy” rule instead. The state is now working with

    Greenhouse Gas Offsets

    The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) allows participating states to identify and take credit for project-based greenhouse gas reductions outside of the electric sector, which is subject to the RGGI cap-and-trade program.

    Contact Us

    Valerie Gray Division of Air

    Delaware Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee

    The Delaware Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee was created in 2010 to investigate the state’s vulnerability to sea level rise and to provide recommendations about how to best prepare for higher sea levels.
    Adapting to Sea Level Rise Delaware Sea Level Rise Advisory Committee

    Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Perceptions

    The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) has initiated a series of public perception surveys to measure the Delaware public’s knowledge of, and interest in, the issues of climate change and sea level rise. The latest survey was conducted in November and December 2019. Surveys were also conducted in 2009 and 2014.

    Adapting to Sea Level Rise

    Sea level rise affects more than beaches and oceanfront landowners. Sea level rise can increase the height of storm waves, making more areas vulnerable to storm damage. Sea level rise can inundate and flood low lying areas, causing losses to tidal wetlands, habitat, and agricultural areas. Sea level rise also can cause higher water tables and saltwater intrusion,

    Climate + Health Conference

    On June 6, 2017, the DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy hosted the Delaware Climate + Health Conference at the Buena Vista Conference Center in New Castle. The event brought together health and medical professionals, environmental and social groups, and critical services stakeholders to explore the ways

    Flood Risk and Avoidance

    The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) provides resources to state agencies and local government planners to help them identify and find ways to lessen risks from flooding. State agencies are responsible for building and maintaining infrastructure that keeps the state running. Roads, schools, wastewater treatment

    Confronting Climate Change: What Can I Do?

    You can help protect your family, friends, and communities from climate change by using less energy, making smart travel choices, weather-proofing your home, and choosing sustainable behaviors every day. The bad news is that human actions are the primary cause of climate change. Our everyday activities like driving gas cars and using electricity

    Adapting to Climate Change

    Climate change affects the people and places we care about. Adaptation is a way to protect ourselves from the threats of climate change, including shifts in temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise. How Does Climate Change Affect Our Health? Public Health Climate change is complicating the

    Taking Action

    Climate change is a huge, complicated issue. In tackling a challenge of this scale, Delaware is taking action across state agencies to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, and to fortify the state against the impacts we already have begun to experience. Climate Change in Delaware Climate action

    Greenhouse Gases

    Delaware is reducing the greenhouse gases that come from everyday activities like driving gas vehicles and using energy. This is the key to preventing the worst effects of climate change. Our actions today will determine the effects we experience in the near tomorrow. Climate change is caused by the burning of fossil

    Understanding Climate Change

    In Delaware, scientists, state agencies and local partners are working together to understand how climate change is affecting our state. What do we know about climate change and Delaware? Climate change is already affecting Delaware. Over the coming years, we can anticipate even worse effects–more

    Topic: Climate Change

    Climate change is happening now and it affects our everyday lives. We are seeing increased frequency and strength of coastal storms. Rainfall events are becoming more severe. Heat waves are affecting human health and our valuable agricultural sector. And, as a coastal state, we must pay attention to changes in sea levels.
