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 Pages Tagged With: "federal consistency"

Federal Consistency Certification: Silver Run Expansion Project (2025.0010)

Silver Run Electric, LLC, proposes to use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit to install our new electric transmission cables in Delaware State waters (the Delaware River).

Federal Consistency Determination: NOAA Amendment 25/Adjustment 69 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (2025.0015)

Amendment 25 to the fisheries management plan would revise the current Atlantic cod stock management units to ensure that the plan reflects the best scientific information available for stocks in need of conservation and management.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Enmienda de NOAA 25/Ajuste 69 a la FMP de Especies Múltiples del Noreste (2025.0015)

La enmienda 25 al plan de gestión pesquera revisaría las actuales unidades de gestión de las poblaciones de bacalao del Atlántico para garantizar que el plan refleje la mejor información científica disponible para las poblaciones que necesitan conservación y gestión.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: NOAA Amendment 25/Adjustment 69 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (2025.0015)

Amannman 25 nan plan jesyon lapèch la ta revize aktyèl inite jesyon stock mori Atlantik la pou asire ke plan an reflete pi bon enfòmasyon syantifik ki disponib pou stock ki bezwen konsèvasyon ak jesyon.

Federal Consistency Certification: Meoli Dock and Boat Lift (2024.0045)

Michael Meoli proposes to use a federal permit to install a foot pier, a dock, a boat lift and a retaining wall in or adjacent to the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at 50 Thompson Court, Rehoboth Beach.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Kalmar Nyckel (2025.0012)

El Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de EE.UU. propone brindar ayuda financiera a la Asociación para el Estuario de Delaware para un proyecto de mejora de la línea costera viva y del hábitat ribereño en el lugar de la Fundación Kalmar Nyckel en 1124 E 7th Street, Wilmington.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Complejo de departamentos Laurel Glen (2025.0011)

El Departamento de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de EE.UU. propone brindar asistencia financiera a NeighborGood Partners, Inc. para la construcción de un complejo de departamentos de 36 unidades de vivienda para trabajadores agrícolas en Laurel.

Federal Consistency Determination: Laurel Glen Apartments Complex (2025.0011)

USDA Rural Development proposes to provide financial assistance to NeighborGood Partners, Inc. for construction of a farm labor housing apartment complex adjacent to 1152 S. Central Ave., in Laurel.

Federal Consistency Determination: Kalmar Nyckel (2025.0012)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to provide financial assistance to the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary for a living shoreline and riparian habitat improvement project at the site of the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation at 1124 E 7th Street, in Wilmington.

Federal Consistency Determination: US Navy Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area CCD (2025.0013)

The United States Navy proposes to conduct new and existing training and testing activities in the Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Study Area.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Estudio de entrenamiento y pruebas de la flota atlántica de la Armada de EE. UU. en el área CCD (2025.0013)

La Armada de EE. UU. propone realizar actividades de entrenamiento y prueba nuevas y existentes en el área de estudio de entrenamiento y pruebas de la flota atlántica.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: Fòmasyon ak Tès Zòn Etid flòt atlantik marin ameriken an CCD (2025.0013)

Marin Etazini pwopoze pou fè fòmasyon ak aktivite tès nouvo ak ki deja egziste nan Fòmasyon Flòt Atlantik ak Zòn Etid Tès.

Federal Consistency Determination: Delaware Avenue Solar Project (2025.0008)

Aligned Solar Partners 6 proposes to use USDA Rural Development funds to build a 15-acre solar photovoltaic project at 251 Delaware Ave, in Harrington.

Federal Consistency Determination: Rifle Range Solar Project (2025.0009)

Aligned Solar Partners 6 proposes to use USDA Rural Development funds to build a 37-acre solar photovoltaic project at 10200 Rifle Range Road, in Bridgeville.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Proyecto solar en Rifle Range (2025.0009)

Aligned Solar Partners 6 propone utilizar los fondos del Departamento de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de EE. UU. para construir un proyecto fotovoltáico solar de 37 acres en 10200 Rifle Range Road, en Bridgeville.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD 423 Collins Drive (2025.0005)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to the Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single-family home at 423 Collins Drive, Dover.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD 439 Bradford Street (2025.0003)

The applicant proposes to use HUD public development funds for reconstruction and improvements to utilities at 439 Bradford Street, in Wilmington.

Determinación Federal de Congruencia: HUD 439 Bradford Street (2025.0003)

El solicitante propone utilizar fondos públicos de desarrollo del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano para reconstruir y mejorar servicios públicos en 439 Bradford Street, Wilmington.

Federal Consistency Review Responses

This page is a collection of Coastal Zone Management Federal Consistency review responses from DNREC’s Delaware Coastal Programs. Federal Consistency Reviews help ensure that state and federal actions in the Coastal Zone are consistent and coordinated. Activity reviews requiring public notification are posted on the DNREC Public Notices page.

Federal Consistency Determination: NMFS Commercial Electronic Reporting Amendment (2024.0041)

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to promulgate a rule to implement the Commercial Electronic Reporting Amendment for the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region.

Determinación Federal de Congruencia: Enmienda al Informe Electrónico Comercial del NMFS (2024.0041)

El Servicio Nacional de Pesca Marina propone promulgar una norma para implementar la Enmienda al Informe Electrónico Comercial para el Golfo de México y la Región del Atlántico.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: Amannman pou Rapò Elektwonik Komèsyal NMFS (2024.0041)

Sèvis Nasyonal Lapèch Marin pwopoze pou pibliye yon règ pou aplike Amannman pou Rapò Elektwonik Komèsyal pou Gòlf Meksik la ak Rejyon Atlantik la.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD 413 Eleventh Street (2025.0001)

The applicant proposes to use HUD public development funds to build two semi-detached housing units at 413 Eleventh Street, in New Castle.

Determinación Federal de Congruencia: HUD 413 Eleventh Street (2025.0001)

El solicitante propone utilizar fondos públicos de desarrollo del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos para construir dos viviendas adosadas en 413 Eleventh Street, New Castle.

Federal Consistency Determination: USACE Delaware City Dredged Material Placement Facility (2024.0063)

The Corps of Engineers is proposing to use the Delaware City Dredge Material Placement Facility for future maintenance dredging projects.

Federal Consistency Determinations: HUD Sussex County Habitat for Humanity Projects

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Sussex County Habitat for Humanity for projects in Bridgeville, Greenwood and Laurel.

Determinaciones Federales de Congruencia: HUD Proyectos de Hábitat para la Humanidad del condado de Sussex

El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los EE. UU. Propone brindar asistencia financiera a Hábitat para la Humanidad del condado de Sussex para proyectos en Bridgeville, Greenwood y Laurel.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: HUD Sussex County Habitat for Humanity Pwojè Yo

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ofri pou l bay Sussex County Habitat for Humanity bourad lajan pou yo konstwi Pwojè Yo nan Bridgeville, Greenwood ak Laurel.

Federal Consistency Certification: Savannah Farms Residential Subdivision (2024.0060)

D.R. Horton plans to use a Corps of Engineers nationwide permit to build stormwater management facilities associated with a proposed 1,114-unit residential subdivision northeast of the intersection of Moose Lodge Road and Willow Grove Road, in Wyoming.

Sètifikasyon Konsistans Federal: Ibanizasyon Savannah Farms (2024.0060)

D.R. Horton planifye pou itilize yon pèmi nasyonal Corps of Engineers pou konstwi enstalasyon jesyon dlo lapli ki asosye ak yon pwopozisyon 1,114-inite rezidansyèl ibanizasyon nan nòdès entèseksyon Moose Lodge Road ak Willow Grove Road nan Wyoming.

Federal Consistency Determination: USDA Bodine Farms (2024.0061)

Bodine Farms proposes to use USDA Rural Development funds for the construction of 324 ground-mounted solar panels at 1652 Hourglass Rd, in Hartly.

Federal Consistency Determination: USDA What Came First Solar (2024.0062)

What Came First LLC proposes to use USDA Rural Development funds for the construction of 336 ground-mounted solar panels at 2219 Morgans Choice Road, in Camden.

Federal Consistency Certification: Indian River Inlet Dredging and Beneficial Use Project (2024.0054)

An update to DNREC Notice No. CCE20240324 (9/11/24) regarding a dredging and beneficial use project at Indian River Inlet.

Federal Consistency Determination: USDA Brown Solar Project (2024.0055)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development proposes to provide financial assistance for the construction of 120 ground mounted solar panels at 4795 Milford Harrington Hwy, in Harrington.

Federal Consistency Certification: Indian River Inlet Dredging and Beneficial Use Project (2024.0054)

The DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship proposes to use a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers permit to dredge material from three potential borrow sites and use it to restore parts of the North Beach berm and dune system near the Indian River Inlet.

Federal Consistency Certification: New Jersey Wind Port Phase 2 (2024.0050)

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority proposes to redevelop portions of the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Station and former U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Artificial Island Confined Disposal Facility Cell No. 3.

Certificación Federal de Congruencia al Programa de Gestión Costera: Puerto Eólico de Nueva Jersey, Fase 2 (2024.0050)

La Autoridad de Desarrollo Económico de Nueva Jersey propone reconstruir partes de la Estación Generadora de Salem y Hope Creek y la antigua Celda No. 3 de la Instalación de Eliminación Confinada de Isla Artificial del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército de EE. UU.

Federal Consistency Certification: New Jersey Wind Port Faz 2 (2024.0050)

New Jersey Economic Development Authority (Otorite Devlopman Ekonomik New Jersey) pwopoze pou re-devlopman pòsyon Estasyon Jenerasyon Salem ak Hope Creek ak ansyen Kò Enjenyè Lame Ameriken an, Selil Nimewo 3 a Artificial Island Confined Disposal Facility.

Federal Consistency Certification: Anchor Way Shoreline Improvements (2024.0051)

Anchor Way, LLC proposes to use a Corps of Engineers permit for shoreline improvements, including placement of sand fill and installation of two stone groins to protect an existing deck at 116 Anchor Way, Dewey Beach.

USACE L&R Canal Maintenance Dredging (2024.0048)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to maintenance dredge two sections of the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal in Sussex County, in two phases.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD Willis Road (2024.0042)

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single-family home at 106 and 108 Willis Road, Dover.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD Cecil Street (2024.0043)

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single-family home at 229 Cecil Street, Dover.

Federal Consistency Certification: Jones Docking Project (2024.0047)

Dr. Blair and Melissa Jones propose to use a federal permit to repair and replace existing access steps and pier, repair replace and enlarge an existing dock, and install a new side-mount boat lift and floating kayak dock in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at 73 Tidewaters, Henlopen Acres.

Federal Consistency Certification: Fishers Cove Dock Condominium (2024.0044)

Burke & Rutecki, LLC proposes to use a Corps of Engineers permit to install a boat lift in an existing boat slip within the Fishers Cove Dock Condominium in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal in Lewes.

Federal Consistency Certification: Meoli Dock and Boat Lift (2024.0045)

Michael Meoli proposes to use a Corps of Engineers permit to build a dock and boat lift in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at 50 Thompson Court, in Rehoboth Beach.

Federal Consistency Certification: ESNG DEMEC Service Line Site 5 (2024.0049)

Eastern Shore Natural Gas proposes to use a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorization to construct internal line inspection equipment at two existing pipeline systems, in New Castle and Kent Counties.

US Wind Federal Consistency Certifications

The DNREC Coastal Management Program (DCMP) received two federal consistency certifications (pursuant to 15 CFR 930 subparts D and E) for the proposed US Wind Project proposed off the coast of Maryland with landfall at 3R’s Beach and interconnection on tax parcel 233-2.00-2.01 adjacent to the Indian River Power Plant in Sussex County, Delaware.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD Seaford Townhomes (2024.0040)

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development proposes to provide financial assistance to Sussex County Habitat for Humanity for nine townhomes on North Porter Street, in Seaford.

Determinación Federal de Congruencia: HUD Seaford Townhomes (2024.0040)

El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de EE. UU. propone brindar asistencia financiera a Hábitat para la Humanidad del condado de Sussex para nueve viviendas adosadas en North Porter Street, Seaford.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: HUD Seaford Townhomes (2024.0040)

Ministè Etazini pou lojman ak devlopman vil ofri pou l bay Sussex County Habitat for Humanity bourad lajan pou yo ka konstwi nèf kay endividyèl nan North Street, Seaford.
