Pages Categorized With: "Climate, Coastal and Energy"
Green Energy Program
DNREC administers rebates to promote the use of several forms of renewable energy in Delaware.Contact Us
Application Assistance 877-453-2327 All Other Questions 302-735-3480
Home Energy Rebate Programs
The Home Efficiency Rebate Program and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program, which are expected to launch once funding is received later this year, are designed to help Delawareans reduce home energy costs.Contact Us
DNREC Customer Support 1-888-920-1871
The Davis-Bacon Act
The Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) is a federal law that requires contractors and subcontractors working on federally funded or assisted public building/public work construction contracts exceeding $2,000 to pay their laborers and mechanics no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits. Related DNREC
Justice40 Initiative
The Justice40 Initiative (J40) calls for 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments to flow to disadvantaged communities (DACs). At its core, the initiative provides a pathway for equitable deep decarbonization that transforms and builds wealth in underserved/overburdened communities. Related DNREC Funding
Build America, Buy America Act
The Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) refers to a series of regulations and policies designed to promote the use of American-made materials and products in federally funded infrastructure projects. The goal of BABA is to help support domestic manufacturing, create jobs and stimulate economic growth.The Delaware Clean Vehicle Rebate Program
The Clean Vehicle Rebate Program provides incentives for Delawareans and Delaware businesses to buy or lease new battery electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, and for residents to purchase used battery electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.Contact Us
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is a formula grant program designed to assist states, local governments and tribes to implement strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions and improve energy efficiency. [panel type=”success” heading=”Contact Us”Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy
The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy uses an integrated approach of applied science, education, policy development, and incentives to address Delaware’s climate, energy and coastal challenges. Climate and Sustainability Programs The Climate andClimate Pollution Reduction Grant
The Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program is a federal grant administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).Contact Us
About the 40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grant
This is a collection of questions and answers about the 40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grants.Contact Us
Heather Hubbard 302-735-3352
Program Guidelines and Operational Procedures
The purpose of these guidelines is to define procedures relating to the Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program (Cool Switch). The goal in establishing these guidelines is to provide a streamlined procedure for administering and distributing program funds. These guidelines provide rules of practice and procedures for rebate applications and disbursement of rebates for low-impact40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grants
Section 40101(d) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides a Grid Resiliency Grant of up to $1.4 million yearly for five years for utility providers to improve the energy grid against disruptions and natural hazards.Contact Us
Heather Hubbard 302-735-3352
GEAC Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies Workgroup
The Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore renewable energy portfolio standards, offshore wind, clean hydrogen, energy storage, emerging technologies and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.GEAC Grid Modernization Workgroup
The Grid Modernization workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore transmission and distribution systems, resiliency, reliability and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar. Meeting materials are posted following each meeting on thatGEAC Environmental Justice and Energy Equity Workgroup
The Environmental Justice and Energy Equity workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore the impact of energy systems on environmental justice communities, societal benefit programs, the Justice40 Initiative, workforce development and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware PublicGEAC Energy Efficiency and Electrification Workgroup
The Energy Efficiency and Electrification workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore current energy efficiency programs, transportation electrification, electric vehicles, building electrification, reliability and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.Program Guidelines and Operational Procedures
This page presents the program guidelines and operational procedures for the Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF), which provides rebates to support non-residential facilities in replacing aging and inefficient equipment and systems with energy efficient alternatives. Version 6.1 Effective July 2024
About the Energy Efficiency Investment Fund
This is a collection of questions and answers about the Delaware Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF). If you have questions on program eligibility, the application process or need help completing the application, email or call 802-482-5645. Please refer to the program guidelines for more details for the specific pathway requirements andEnergy Advisory Council Meetings
Meetings of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) and its working groups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events (listed below) and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar. Meeting materials are posted following each meeting on that meeting’s page on the DNREC Calendar of Events. All of the meetings of the council and working groupsEnergy Advisory Council Membership
The membership of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council is set in the amended Delaware Energy Act. There are 25 members, representing different branches of the state government, elected officials, the commercial sector, and the public at large. Ed Kee, Chair Sen. Stephanie Hansen Rep.Governor’s Energy Advisory Council
The Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) is charged with providing recommendations to DNREC’s State Energy Office on updates to the Delaware Energy Plan and with monitoring and proposing actions to enhance Delaware’s energy system, including actions to lessen the climate change impacts and providing counsel to the Governor on promoting an economic, reliable and competitiveDNREC State Energy Office
The State Energy Office provides guidance on adopting and implementing smart energy choices through energy conservation and efficiency measures. DNREC held a series of three public information meetings to give Delawareans an opportunity to learn about strategies incorporated into the latest State Energy Plan update. The meetings took place onInflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 makes the single largest investment in climate and energy in American history, enabling America to tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice and put the United States on a pathway to achieving the Biden Administration’s climate goals, including a net-zero economy by 2050. [column md=”5″ xclass=”col-xs-12Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, is a $1 trillion investment in rebuilding America’s roads, bridges and rails, expanding access to clean drinking water, improving access to high-speed internet, tackling the climate crisis, advancing environmental justice and investing in communities.Energy Efficiency Investment Fund
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) administers Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF) rebates to support non-residential facilities in replacing aging and inefficient equipment and systems with energy efficient alternatives.Contact Us
Application Assistance 802-482-5645 All Other Questions 302-735-3480
EEIF Participating Contractors
This page lists contractors who are available and qualified to develop and complete projects funded under the Delaware Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF). To be considered as a participating contractor, firms must complete an application listing their areas of expertise and documenting their Delaware and professional licensing and insurance. Applications must beLow- to Moderate-Income Solar Pilot Program
The DNREC Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) Solar Pilot Program is meant to bring renewable energy to a segment of the Delaware population that has historically been underserved by existing state programs and incentives. Grant funding is available to promote the use of renewable energy in Delaware for low-Implementing Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
Delaware has for more than a decade been working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and increase the state’s resilience to climate change. The Climate Action Plan outlines broad strategies and specific actions that can be taken to further those efforts.Delaware Climate Leadership Academy
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) administers the Delaware Climate Leadership Academy, which aims to build climate literacy and awareness in the state. About the Academy Academy Programs [button type=”primary”Climate Leadership Academy Programs
The Delaware Climate Leadership Academy offers programs for public and private sector professionals and leaders to learn how climate change is impacting Delaware, build preparedness and advance solutions through collaboration and technical training. Climate Leadership AcademyAbout the Academy
The Delaware Climate Leadership Academy is a DNREC-sponsored initiative established to provide foundational and continuing education on climate risk assessment, planning and solutions for state and local government officials, infrastructure executives and business leaders. Climate Leadership Academy [button type=”primary” block=”true”Offshore Wind
Delaware continues to explore opportunities and challenges presented by the growing offshore wind industry. The state has set a target of achieving 40% renewable energy by 2035. Increasing renewable energy in Delaware is also identified as a strategy in Delaware’s Climate Action Plan to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that are drivingClimate and Sustainability Initiatives
DNREC’s Climate and Sustainability Section is charged with reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change and improving Delaware’s resiliency to impacts of climate change. We accomplish this through technical assistance, financial incentives, policy development, pilot projects and education initiatives.Delaware’s Climate Impacts
Climate change looks different depending on where you are in the world. In Delaware, climate change primarily takes the form of sea level rise, increasing temperatures and more frequent intense storms, including heavy precipitation and flooding. Climate Action Plan Menu [dropdown-itemClimate Change Basics
Earth’s climate is changing, resulting in increasing temperatures and precipitation, and contributing to extreme weather and rising seas. The effects of climate change are already being observed in Delaware. Climate Action Plan MenuDelaware Emissions
Human activities have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, threatening the health and wellbeing of the people of Delaware. Climate Action Plan MenuActions You Can Take
Climate change is a global issue that will require global solutions, but we can all play a part in that greater effort by reducing our energy usage and conserving our resources. Climate Action Plan MenuMinimizing Impacts
By maximizing resilience and adapting to climate change impacts now, we are better prepared for extreme and unexpected events. Climate Action Plan MenuData and Tools
Delaware has taken steps to address the causes and consequences of climate change with the goal of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and maximizing resilience to the impacts of climate change we are witnessing today. Climate Action Plan MenuTerms and Definitions
A glossary of terms used in the Delaware Climate Action Plan and in conversations about climate issues. Climate Action Plan MenuMinimizing Emissions
By minimizing greenhouse gas emissions now, we contribute to a worldwide effort to reduce the severity of rapid climate change. Climate Action Plan MenuI Am a Business Owner
The Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy provides programs and assistance for business owners. Find information on grants, rebates and programs for businesses. Find the Information You NeedI Am in Local Government
The Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy provides programs and assistance for local governments in Delaware. Find information on grants, rebates and sustainability help for local government. Find the Information You NeedI Am a Resident of Delaware
The Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy provides programs and assistance for residents and property owners. Find information on grants, rebates and programs for residents. Find the Information You NeedPublic Participation
Public participation has been essential to developing Delaware’s Climate Action Plan. In addition to public workshops held in the spring and fall of 2020, online surveys and comment forms soliciting public input, DNREC sought insight from Delaware-based technical stakeholders in the buildings, electric power, industrial transportation and wasteDelaware’s Climate Action Plan
The warming climate impacts our daily lives and economy, and it affects us all. With all that’s at stake, it’s time for us to act together. The first Climate Action Plan Implementation Report, assembled by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control as required by legislation enactedCool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program
The Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program’s goal is to incentivize the use of refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential impacts.Contact Us
Chloe Hennig Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy 302-735-3480
Junior Solar Sprint
The annual Junior Solar Sprint is a statewide challenge of ingenuity, engineering, and speed for students in grades five through eight.Contact Us
Jim Lee Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy 302-735-3480
Efficient and Renewable Energy
The Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy supports energy efficiency and conservation programs that help reduce energy use and its impact on the state’s environment and public health. The Division supports the use of renewable energy by homeowners and businesses through grant funding, incentives, and technical guidance. Find programs andCZCPA Work Groups
Four Work Groups were formed to provide technical support to the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act (CZCPA) Regulatory Advisory Committee (RAC). This page contains information about each of the four Work Groups, including focus areas and meeting materials. Due to the complex nature of many topics addressed in the Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act,Page: 12 of 2 total pages