
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is a formula grant program designed to assist states, local governments and tribes to implement strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions and improve energy efficiency.

The block grant, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Energy, will be used for projects by small local governments and by tribal communities to holistically reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency and conservation.

Delaware’s grant allocation, approximately $1.6 million, is administered by the DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy.

About $1 million of this funding will be used for local governments and tribal communities that are not within the ten most populous cities in Delaware. These larger cities have received their own EECBG awards. Communities will submit applications to the division for funding to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy usage and fossil fuel emissions.

The division plans to use the remaining grant amount to fund solar-powered emergency shelters across the state, with one solar shelter installation intended for a government location within each of the state’s three counties.

Projects should align with the state and federal environmental justice initiatives and with the Delaware Climate Action Plan while demonstrating reductions in fossil fuels and energy usage and improving energy efficiency.

DNREC seeks to invest in projects that provide the greatest community benefits and contributions towards energy efficiency, renewable energy and conservation.

Grant Program Timeline

To begin the granting process, the division held information sessions in each county during May 2024 to share information about the grant.

Grant applications, in the form of project proposals, will be accepted between June 1 and July 31, 2024.

The project review team will evaluate and prioritize the proposed projects by Aug. 20, 2024, and recommend projects for grant awards.

Project Goals

The Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy has identified project goals which local governments and tribal communities will need to meet to be awarded funding. For each goal, there are a set of metrics (the EECBG Rubric) by which they will be measured when applications are reviewed.

Reduction of Fossil Fuels and Energy Use

Addressing direct issues relating to greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, as outlined in the Delaware Climate Action Plan.

Advancements in Energy Efficiency

Promoting fuel-switching and electrification through the implementation of equipment and machinery that operates more efficiently, saving energy and reducing the financial burden of energy costs.

Equity and Environmental Justice

Ensuring engagement and involvement with disadvantaged and tribal communities as well as supporting widespread distribution of funding to as many eligible entities as possible.

Workforce Development

Encouraging the increase of clean energy and energy efficiency jobs to fully execute the state’s goals towards a more sustainable future.


Block grant funds will be awarded to small local governments or tribal communities for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, using measures defined by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Applicants must identify the measures they are proposing to take, including a combination of measures if their project allows.

Local governments and tribal communities will submit project proposals in the form of concept papers to the Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy. These papers will:

  • Describe the intended project by the entity.
  • Describe how the intended project meets objectives listed in the EECBG Rubric provided by the division.
  • Include any other supplemental information.

Concept papers should be emailed to the division and the review team via Chloe Hennig, at

Once all concept papers have been received, a review process will occur.

DNREC has formed a review team to make recommendations on objectives and metrics supporting the prioritization of projects that fit Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant goals.

Using the criteria listed in the EECBG Rubric, the review team will evaluate and prioritize the proposed projects. The review team reserves the right to request additional information for qualifying projects.

The review team will provide their assessment to the division for a final recommendation of projects to receive awards.

The division will make final approval of grant awards based on the review team’s recommendations.

Approved Projects

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funding recipients will be listed on this page after final recommendations and approval from the review team and the division.

Second Phase

After the awards for small local governments and tribal communities are disbursed, the division plans to execute the second phase of the block grant program, using the remaining funds to install solar and battery storage at one government location in each county. These locations will serve as shelters in the event of a natural disaster or emergency.
