There are many things each of us can do to help reduce nutrient and sediment pollution entering Delaware’s waterways.
Our efforts will not only help protect the environment, but in many cases, when you lend a hand to protect our waterways, you will also find that you’re adding beauty to your yard, saving energy, cutting landscape maintenance costs, and boosting property values.
Below you can find a list of publications and videos that will explain why it’s important to protect our waterways, and how you can help.
Delaware’s role in Cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay
Fertilize in fall… feed the roots for spring
Lawn fertilizing isn’t a spring thing
Nanticoke Watershed Homeowner Tips
Congregations Caring for Our and Waters
Lo que usted puede hacer para combatir la contaminación por nutrients
Información sobre el cuidado adecuado del césped
Pesca, Comparte y Prepara tu Pescado Responsablemente
Mr. Raindrop: Journey of a raindrop from neighborhoods to waterways
Septics 101: Septic system evolution and their affects on water quality
Water Quality Monitoring on the Nanticoke: New monitoring technology
Monitoring the Murderkill: New Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
Related Topics: assessment, clean water, reduce pollution, water quality, watershed, watershed stewardship