This page contains a table showing the new URLs for the updated DNREC Division of Water pages on the DNREC Website.
The division’s portion of the site has been reorganized to better match the present organizational structure of the division. This table lists the page titles and URLs of the previous site layout and the new URLs (linked) that lead to that content or to the new page that most closely matches the old content. The table is alphabetized based on the URLs of the old pages.
For ease of viewing, URLs are shown without the leading “” that is the base for all DNREC web pages.
Old Page Title | Old URL | New URL |
Division of Water | /water/ | /water/ |
Division of Water Contacts | /water/dw-contacts/ | /water/water-contacts/ |
Environmental Lab | /water/environmental-lab/ | /water/environmental-lab/ |
Groundwater Discharges Section | /water/groundwater/ | /water/residential/septic-systems/ |
On-Site Systems Advisory Board | /water/groundwater/advisory-board/ | /water/boards/on-site-systems/ |
Innovative and Alternative Systems | /water/groundwater/alternative-systems/ | /water/residential/septic-systems/innovative-alternative/ |
Approved Products | /water/groundwater/approved-products-general/ | /water/residential/septic-systems/approved/ |
Groundwater Discharges Section Fees | /water/groundwater/fees/ | /water/license-fees/ |
Groundwater Discharge Licenses | /water/groundwater/licenses/ | /water/commercial-government/groundwater-discharge-licenses/ |
Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters | /water/groundwater/liquid-waste-transporters/ | /water/commercial-government/transporters/ |
Septic Systems | /water/groundwater/septic-systems/ | /water/residential/septic-systems/ |
On-Site Wastewater System Forms | /water/groundwater/septic-systems/forms/ | /water/residential/septic-systems/ |
Spray Irrigation Systems | /water/groundwater/spray-irrigation/ | /water/commercial-government/spray-irrigation-systems/ |
Spray Irrigation Program Resources | /water/groundwater/spray-irrigation/resources/ | /water/commercial-government/spray-irrigation-systems/resources/ |
Underground Injection Control | /water/groundwater/uic/ | /water/commercial-government/uic/ |
Division of Water License Fees | /water/license-fees/ | /water/license-fees/ |
Online Application Submission | /water/online-applications/ | /water/online-applications/ |
Water Supply | /water/supply/ | /water/commercial-government/public-water/ |
Water Supply Application and License Fees | /water/supply/application-and-license-fees/ | /water/license-fees/ |
Water Supply Coordinating Council Meeting Archives | /water/supply/coordinating-council/meeting-archives/ | /water/boards/water-supply-coordination/ |
Groundwater Protection | /water/supply/ground-water-protection/ | /water/resource-protection/water-quality-monitoring/ |
Water Conservation | /water/supply/water-conservation/ | /water/commercial-government/water-allocation/conservation/ |
Water Well Licensing Board | /water/supply/water-well-licensing-board/ | /water/boards/water-well-licensing/ |
Well and Water Use Permit Data | /water/supply/well-and-water-use-permit-data/ | /water/commercial-government/water-allocation/data/ |
Well Permits | /water/supply/well-permits/ | /water/residential/well-permits/ |
The DNREC Well Viewer | /water/supply/well-viewer/ | /water/residential/well-permits/viewer/ |
Surface Water Discharges Section | /water/surface-water/ | /water/commercial-government/land-treatment/ |
Land Treatment of Waste | /water/surface-water/land-treatment/ | /water/commercial-government/land-treatment/ |
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System | /water/surface-water/npdes/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/ |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) | /water/surface-water/npdes/animal-feeding/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/cafo/ |
Aquatic Pesticides | /water/surface-water/npdes/aquatic-pesticides/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/aquatic-pesticides/ |
Submitting a Notice of Intent | /water/surface-water/npdes/enoi/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/industrial-stormwater/ |
Individual NPDES Permits | /water/surface-water/npdes/individual-permits/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/individual/ |
Industrial Stormwater Runoff | /water/surface-water/npdes/industrial-stormwater-runoff/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/industrial-stormwater/ |
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems | /water/surface-water/npdes/municipal-storm-sewers/ | /water/commercial-government/npdes/ms4/ |
Wastewater Operator Certification | /water/surface-water/wastewater-operators/ | /water/commercial-government/wastewater-facilities/operators/ |
Board of Certification for Wastewater Operators | /water/surface-water/wastewater-operators/board-of-certification/ | /water/boards/wastewater-operators/ |
Water Well Licenses | /water/water-well-licenses/ | /water/commercial-government/water-well-licenses/ |
Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands | /water/wetlands-subaqueous/ | /water/wetlands/ |
Are There Wetlands on My Property? | /water/wetlands-subaqueous/on-my-property/ | /water/wetlands/my-property/ |
Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Permits | /water/wetlands-subaqueous/permits/ | /water/wetlands/permits/ |
State Regulated Wetlands Map Index | /water/wetlands-subaqueous/state-regulated-wetlands/ | /water/wetlands/maps/ |
What’s Regulated? | /water/wetlands-subaqueous/whats-regulated/ | /water/wetlands/whats-regulated/ |