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7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Amtrak – Bear Facility

Amtrak requests a permit to construct and operate a cold solvent cleaner at their 258 East Scotland Drive, Bear, facility.

Title V Permit Renewal Applications: FMC Stine Research Center

FMC Stine Research Center has submitted a request for renewal of its Air Quality operating permit for its facility at 1090 Elkton Road, in Newark.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery is proposing to improve their wastewater treatment facility located at 6 Canary Village Center in Milton.

Reg. 1102 Permit Application: Start 2 Finish Collision LLC

Start 2 Finish Collision LLC, located at 16835 S DuPont Highway, Harrington, has applied for a permit to operate an Auto Body Shop that conducts any or all of the following: collision repair, vehicle painting, paint stripping, or sanding.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of water allocation permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section.

Notice of Proposed Program Change to the Delaware Coastal Management Program

The Delaware Coastal Management Program has submitted proposed changes to Delaware’s federally approved coastal management program to the NOAA Office for Coastal Management.

Correction to the Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Osprey Point Subdivision Site (DE-1647)

A correction to a part of the Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Osprey Point Subdivision that was noticed on February 26, 2020.

Permit Application for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Adam and Jessica Randall have applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC building line to replace the second floor and roof of the dwelling and renovate the interior on Lot 95, Prime Hook Beach.

Reg. 1102 Permit Application: Town of Bridgeville

The Town of Bridgeville has applied for a permit to remove lead-containing coatings from outdoor water tanks by dry abrasive blasting.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications

The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center requests a construction/operating permit for a 1000 kW diesel-fired emergency generator at their 1601 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, Facility.

Virtual Public Hearing: Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the General Motors Corp. Wilmington Assembly Plant Operable Unit 4

The Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances will conduct a public hearing on the Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the General Motors Corp. Wilmington Assembly Plant Operable Unit 4. The assembly plant is located in Wilmington, Delaware.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Deerfield Substation Site (DE-1616)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Deerfield Substation Site, in Newark, which is an electrical substation that had a petroleum release as a result of a leaking underground storage tank.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the General Motors Corp. Wilmington Assembly Plant OU- 4 (DE-1149)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean up Operable Unit 4 (OU-4), a portion of the General Motors Corp. Wilmington Assembly Plant located in Wilmington, Delaware.  OU-4 soil was not impacted. OU-4 groundwater was impacted by ethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, xylene, and naphthalene.  Groundwater contamination migrated offsite to the northeast.  As the groundwater travels

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

A listing of applications to the Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section for subaqueous lands leases and permits.

Amended Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the 4601 North Market Street (DE-1684)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to amend the May 2019 Proposed Plan of Remedial Action to require a submission of a Certification of Completion of Remedy (COCR) request after approval of the CMMP and recording of the Environmental Covenant.

Notice Of Secretary’s Decision: Delmarva Power & Light

The DNREC Secretary has issued an Order which authorizes Delmarva Power and Light to install an electric distribution line by directional bore below White Creek between the terminus of Peaceful Lane and Daisey Avenue in Ocean View.

Title V Synthetic Minor Permit Applications: Air Liquide USA, LLC

Air Liquide USA, LLC, has applied for an amendment of its facility-wide permit to incorporate federally-enforceable operation permits and for a set of construction permits for a project at its Air Liquide Advanced Separations plant in Newport.

Distribution and Marketing Permit Renewal – Sussex County Council, Delaware

Sussex County Council has applied for renewal and amendment of its permit to apply thermally treated and lime stabilized biosolids, generated at the South Coastal Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, onto farmland as a fertilizer and liming agent.

Permit Application for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

An application has been submitted for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line for renovation and expansion of an existing dwelling on Lot 3, Block J, in Broadkill Beach.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of Allocation Permit Applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Weston Willows, LLC

Weston Willows, LLC of Rehoboth Beach, has applied for a permit to build a pump station and 753 linear feet of forcemain to serve the proposed Weston Willow residential subdivision located on the northern side of Lewes-Georgetown highway, between Shingle Point Road and Gravel Hill Road, near Harbeson.

Final Plan Of Remedial Action For The Osprey Point Subdivision Site (DE-1647)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Osprey Point Subdivision Site located in Rehoboth Beach. The Site, once used as a golf course, requires a restriction on the future use of groundwater at the Site.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Sussex County

Sussex County proposes to build approximately 1,025 linear feet 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer force main from their existing West Rehoboth sanitary sewer district pump station 202, located west of Rehoboth Beach, across the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal to interconnect to an existing abandoned 16-inch diameter force main along Roosevelt Avenue.

Federal Consistency Determinations Submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program

The USDA Farm Service Agency proposes to provide financial assistance for the construction of a home and septic system at 2921 Park Brown Road, Harrington. An older home and several outbuildings will be demolished.

Water Supply Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of allocation permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply section for proposed irrigation wells.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit: Palmers Power Pack Septic Service

Palmers Power Pack Septic Service LLC has applied to the Groundwater Discharges Section for a Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit to transport septage and holding tank waste to be disposed of at the City of Seaford Wastewater Treatment Facility and the Sussex County Sewer System.

Reg. 1102 Permit Application: Caliber Collision

Caliber Collision has applied for permits to operate Auto Body Shops at locations in Dover, Middletown, and Wilmington and to conduct any or all of the following: collision repair, vehicle painting, paint stripping, or sanding.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications

Cambridge Constructors requests permission to add a Jaw Crusher and a Horizontal Shaft Impactor to their existing portable non-metallic mineral processing plant located at 801 Boxwood Road, in Wilmington.

Public Hearing Canceled: Agilent Technologies, Inc.

The Division of Air Quality has canceled the public hearing scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2020, in New Castle concerning a permit application from Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Federally Enforceable 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Applications: Croda Inc.

Croda, Inc. has applied for permits to connect existing equipment into a control device (scrubber) at its facility at 315 Cherry Lane, New Castle.

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

A listing of applications to the Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section for permits, leases and water quality certifications.

*CANCELED* Public Hearing: Midway Service Inc. Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit Amendment *CANCELED*

The DNREC Groundwater Discharges Section will conduct a public hearing on Midway Service Inc.’s permit amendment to their Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit to include Clean Delaware, Inc. as a disposal facility for septage and holding tank waste.

Solid Waste Transporter Permit Applications

A listing of applications to the DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport regulated RCRA hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Parker Block Company

Parker Block Company requests a Construction/Operation permit for the operation of a Ready Mix Concrete Plant at their facility at 30243 Millsboro Hwy., in Millsboro.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit: Artesian Wastewater Management

Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. has applied to the Groundwater Discharges Section for an amendment to their Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit to include Heron Bay (Lewes) as a disposal location for septage.

Water Supply Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for water allocation permits.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications

Concrete Strategies, LLC, requests a Natural Minor permit to construct one portable Batch Concrete Plant, two Silos for cement and fly ash, two Baghouses for each silo, one Baghouse for the weigh hopper, and one baghouse for the concrete mixer at their facility located at 801 Boxwood Road, Wilmington.

Virtual Public Hearing: Proposed Revisions to Delaware’s State Implementation Plan

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing (Docket #2020-R-A-0003) on March 25, in Dover, on three proposed revisions to Delaware’s State Implementation Plan (SIP).

Permit Application: Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Gull’s Nest Homeowners Association has filed an application for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to mechanically scrape sand from the beach to rebuild the dune in Gull’s Nest.

Water Supply Allocation Permit Applications

A list of Water Allocation Permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply Allocation Section.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Sixteenth Street Quarry Site (Operable Units-1 and 2) (DE-0097)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of Operable Units 1 and 2 of the Sixteenth Street Quarry Site located in Wilmington.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Artesian Water Company

Artesian Water Company proposes to construct approximately 11,735 linear feet of 12-inch diameter force main from their existing force main at the intersection of the Lewes-Georgetown Highway and Gravel Hill Road, along several roads and railroad tracks to the Park Avenue intersection in Sussex County.

Public Workshop: Natural Minor (Reg. 1102) Permitting Fees

The Division of Air Quality at DNREC will host a public workshop to discuss proposed changes to the Natural Minor (Reg. 1102) Permitting Fees. The current fees were established in 1991 and have not been adjusted in 29 years.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Deerfield Substation (DE-1616)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the Deerfield Substation Site located in Newark. The site is an electrical substation that had a petroleum release as a result of a leaking underground storage tank.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Sussex County Council

Sussex County Council has applied for a permit to install 39,354 linear feet of 24-inch PVC forcemain and related appurtenances to convey treated effluent to County Owned fixed head sprinkler systems for disposal as well as provide connections to agricultural operations for use as reclaimed water.

Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the General Motors Corp-Wilmington Assembly Plant Site, Lot 4 (DE-1149)

DNREC’s Remediation Section negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with DPIF2 DE 1 New Castle, LLC regarding the General Motors Corp-Wilmington Assembly Plant, Lot 4, located at 801 Boxwood Road, in Wilmington.

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

A listing of applications for permits and leases to the DNREC Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section.

Notification of Negotiations Concerning a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement for the Former New Arc Welding Site, 30 Commerce Drive, Wilmington (DE-1345)

DNREC is negotiating a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement with Commerce Street Properties, LLC regarding the Former New Arc Welding Site located at 30 Commerce Street, in Wilmington.

Water Allocation Permit Applicatons

A listing of Water Allocation Permit applications to the DNREC water Supply Section.

Public Hearing: Including Cobia in the Tidal Finfish Regulations

The Division of Fish & Wildlife will conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to the Tidal Finfish regulations to include a new section on Cobia (Rachycentron canadum).
