
Nonpoint Source Success Stories

The DNREC Nonpoint Source Program is committed to addressing pollution affecting Delaware waterbodies by encouraging and supporting the use of specific best management practices that can reduce the effects of nonpoint source pollution.

The program administers a competitive grant program, through Section 319 of the federal Clean Water Act, to support best management practices in agriculture, silviculture, construction, septic systems, and hydromodification activities.

The program focuses on implementation projects in areas with approved watershed plans. The success stories told here are in watersheds and subbasins are areas that have seen improvements in water quality through efforts funded by Section 319 Implementation Grants.

The EPA’s Nine Elements

The U.S. EPA has identified nine key elements that are critical for achieving improvements in water quality. These elements, commonly called the “a through i criteria,” are important for the creation of thorough, robust, and meaningful watershed plans. Incorporation of these elements is of particular importance when seeking Section 319 implementation grant funding. They help provide reasonable assurance that NPS load allocations identified in the TMDL will be achieved.

  1. Identification of causes that will need to be controlled to achieve the load reductions described in (b)
  2. Estimates of load reductions expected for the management measures described in (c)
  3. Description of management measures that will need to be implemented to achieve load reductions described in (b)
  4. Estimate of technical and financial assistance needed to implement this plan
  5. Information/education component that will be used to enhance public understanding of this plan
  6. Schedule for implementing management measures described in (c)
  7. Description of interim, measurable milestones for determining whether management measures described in (c) are being implemented
  8. Set of criteria that can be used to determine whether load reductions described in (b) are being achieved
  9. Water quality monitoring component to evaluate effectiveness of implementation measured against the established criteria described in (h)
