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 Pages Tagged With: "public hearing"

Notice of Public Hearing: Air Emissions Regulations

The DNREC Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Delaware’s air regulations.

Public Hearing: Quarry Walk Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System and Temporary Storage Tank Permits

Quarry Walk, LLC has submitted applications for a wastewater collection and conveyance system and for temporary storage tanks to collect and store wastewater to serve the Quarry Walk residential subdivision, located at 838 Yorklyn Road, in Hockessin.

Notificación de Solicitudes de Permiso, Sesión Informativa Comunitaria y Audiencia Pública

El Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Control Ambiental por la presente proporciona un aviso público de solicitudes de permisos presentadas por US Wind, Inc., y de una Sesión Informativa Comunitaria Conjunta y una Audiencia Pública Conjunta que llevará a cabo el Departamento.

Notice of Permit Applications, Public Information Session and Public Hearing: U.S. Wind, Inc.

DNREC’s Division of Water and Division of Watershed Stewardship have received permit applications from US Wind, Inc., for a commercial-scale, wind energy project offshore of Maryland and will hold a public information session and a public hearing regarding those applications.

Notice of Public Hearing – Croda, Inc. Natural Gas Flare System

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on an application by Croda, Inc., for a permit for a natural gas flare system at their facility at 315 Cherry Lane, in New Castle.

Aviso de audiencia pública: sistema de antorcha para gas natural de Croda, Inc.

La División de Calidad del Aire llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre una solicitud de Croda, Inc., para un permiso para un sistema de quema de gas natural en sus instalaciones en 315 Cherry Lane, en New Castle.

Notice of Public Hearing: Title V State Operating Permit Program

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on April 25, 2024, to consider comments from the public on proposed amendments to the Title V State Operating Permit Program.

Public Hearing: Proposed 2024 Weatherization Assistance Program Grant Application

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy will conduct a public hearing on to consider comments from the public on the Weatherization Assistance Program federal funding annual application.

Public Hearing: Striped Bass Commercial Fishing Regulations

The Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to the regulations governing the striped bass commercial fishing seasons, quotas, tagging and reporting requirements.

Scrap Tire Solution, LLC Permit Application Public Hearing

The Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances will conduct a public hearing on an application from Scrap Tire Solutions for a permit to operate a solid waste facility at 195 Hay Road, in Wilmington.

Notice of Public Hearing: Delaware’s State Implementation Plan

The DNREC Division of Air Quality will hold a public hearing on a proposed revision to Delaware’s State Implementation Plan on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024.

Notice of Public Hearing: Proposed Revisions to the Delaware Lobster Regulations

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a virtual public hearing on December 21, 2023, to consider comments from the public on proposed revisions to the state’s Lobsters regulations.

Public Hearing: Proposed Wildlife Regulations Revisions

The Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a public hearing to consider comments from the public on proposed revisions to state’s Wildlife Regulations.

Notice of Public Hearing – Federally Enforceable 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Applications: Croda, Inc.

The DNREC Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on applications from Croda, Inc., for permits to add two fire pumps and a boiler to their facility at 315 Cherry Lane, in New Castle.

Aviso de audiencia pública – Solicitudes federalmente ejecutables en virtud del Título 7 del Código Administrativo de DE 1102: Croda, Inc.

La División de Calidad del Aire del DNREC llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre las solicitudes de Croda, Inc., para obtener permisos para agregar dos bombas contra incendios y una caldera a sus instalaciones en 315 Cherry Lane, en New Castle.

Notice of Public Hearing: Seaford NPDES Permit

The Division of Water will conduct a public hearing on the reissuance of the City of Seaford Wastewater Treatment Facility National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit.

Aviso de audiencia pública: Permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes (NPDES, en inglés) de Seaford

La División del Agua celebrará una audiencia pública para considerar los comentarios del público sobre la reemisión del Permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de la ciudad de Seaford.

Notice of Public Hearing: Noramco Inc.

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on an application by Noramco Inc. for a permit to install a new vacuum pump and add a new production line for two new products at their facility located at 500 Swedes Landing Road, in New Castle County.

Notice of Public Hearing Cancellation: Seaford NPDES Permit

The Division of Water is rescheduling the public hearing on reissuance of a NPDES permit for the City of Seaford Wastewater Treatment Facility from Sept. 27 to Nov. 8, 2023.

Notificación de cancelación de la audiencia pública: Permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes (NPDES, en inglés) de Seaford

La División del Agua cancela la audiencia pública programada para 27 de septiembre de 2023, a partir de las 6:00 p.m. para considerar sobre la reemisión del Permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes para la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de la ciudad de Seaford.

Public Hearing: Shellfish Aquaculture Regulations

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife will hold a public hearing on Sept. 27 on proposed amendments to the Shellfish Aquaculture regulations.

Notice of Public Hearing: Seaford NPDES Permit

The Division of Water will hold a public hearing to consider comments on the reissuance of the City of Seaford Wastewater Treatment Facility National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit.

Aviso de audiencia pública: Permiso del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes (NPDES, en inglés) de Seaford

La División del Agua del DNREC celebrará una audiencia pública para considerar sobre la reemisión del Permiso del NPDES de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de la ciudad de Seaford.

Be the First to Know

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is a large agency with multiple divisions overseeing permits and regulations, natural resources assessment and protection, and outdoor recreation opportunities. There’s a lot going on and many opportunities for public participation. Part of the DNREC mission is to engage all stakeholders to

Notice of Public Hearing: Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Regulations

The Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances will conduct public hearings on Aug. 30 on proposed amendments to the regulations governing underground and aboveground storage tanks.

DNREC Regulatory Development Process

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is an executive state agency with the responsibility to protect both the environment of Delaware and public health. Delaware’s General Assembly passes laws that address the protection of human health and the environment.

Public Hearing: FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. Request for Major Modification to Standard Coastal Zone Permit

DNREC will conduct a virtual public hearing to consider comments from the public on FujiFilm’s request for a major modification of their existing standard coastal zone permit.

Audiencia pública: FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. Solicitud para la modificación del permiso estándar de zona costera

DNREC llevará a cabo una audiencia pública virtual para considerar los comentarios del público sobre la solicitud de FujiFilm de una modificación importante de su permiso de zona costera estándar existente.

Public Comments: Low Emission Vehicle Program Hearing

This page holds public comments submitted to DNREC for the Low Emission Vehicle Program Public Hearing (Docket #2022-R-A-0011). Submitted comments are organized by date. Comments are posted using the name of the commenter, where provided, or the email address from which it was submitted.

Notice of Public Hearing: Delaware Low Emission Vehicle Program

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, April 26, to consider comments from the public on the proposed amendments to the Delaware Low Emission Vehicle Program.

Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Barbara Hicks Site

The DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances will conduct a virtual public hearing on the Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Barbara Hicks Site, located at 427 Goodman Street, in Wilmington.

Public Hearing: Proposed Revisions to the Horseshoe Crab Regulations

The Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to the Delaware Horseshoe Crab Regulations.

Public Hearing: Proposed Revisions to Erosion and Sediment Control Guidance Documents

Division of Watershed Stewardship

Published: March 1, 2022 Comments Due: April 19, 2023
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Division of Watershed Stewardship will conduct a virtual public hearing (Docket #2023-R-WS-0004) to consider comments from the public on proposed

Notice of Public Hearing on DNREC Weatherization Assistance Program 2023 Grant Application

The DNREC Division of Energy and Climate is applying for U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program new 2023 program funds.

Notice of Public Hearing on DNREC Grid Resilience Formula Grant Program Application

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy will conduct a public hearing on grid resilience formula grant funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Notice of NPDES MS4 Phase II Tier II General Permit and Public Hearing

The Div. of Water will conduct a public hearing to consider comments from the public on the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Phase II Tier II General Permit.

FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. Public Hearing Cancelation

The Dec. 14 public hearing regarding the FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. application for a major modification to a standard coastal zone permit has been canceled and will be rescheduled.

Public Hearing: FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. Request for Major Modification to Standard Coastal Zone Permit

FujiFilm has applied to modify its existing Coastal Zone Act permit, which authorizes manufacturing of high-performance aqueous pigment dispersions for ink jet printer ink, to increase production capacity.

Public Hearing: Non-Tidal Finfish Regulations

The Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to the Non-Tidal Finfish Regulations to increase trout fishing opportunities in Delaware.

Bioenergy Innovation Center Project Exhibits

This page contains lists of, and links to, the exhibits presented at the DNREC Public Hearing regarding the Bioenergy Innovation Center Project (Docket #2022-P-MULTI-0012) on Oct. 26, 2022. The exbibits are presented in order, by entity, starting with the three DNREC Divisions and finishing with the exhibit submitted by the applicant. Public

Solicitud de permiso para la instalación de Bioenergy Devco, LLC: Actualización para reflejar el cambio en las emisiones para el Permiso de aire y para destacar que existe documentación actualizada de respaldo disponible para los Permisos de agua

Tenga en cuenta que este Aviso legal refleja un cambio en las emisiones anuales por aire para los óxidos de nitrógeno (NOX) para el RTO desde 0.307 toneladas por año a 1.104 toneladas por año. El límite revisado de emisiones de NOX no tiene un impacto en los modelos a corto plazo ni en la

Aplikasyon Pèmi Sant Bioenergy Devco, LLC —Mizajou pou reflete chanjman emisyon pou Pèmi Lè epi pou Note Dokimantasyon Sipò Aktyalize Disponib pou Pèmi Dlo

Tanpri note Notifikasyon Legal sa reflete yon chanjman nan emisyon lè anyèl pou oksid nitwojèn (NOX, an anglè) pou RTO a soti nan 0.307 tòn pa ane pou ale nan 1.104 tòn pa ane. Limit emisyon NOX (oksid nitwojèn) revize a pa gen enpak sou modelizasyon a kou tèm oubyen evalyasyon aplikabilite reglemantè ki te

DNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0010

This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0010 (7 DE Admin. Code 1131 “Low Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program. Plan for Implementation (PFI)”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022.
Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0010

DNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0002

This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0002 (7 DE Admin. Code 1131 “Low Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program – Kent and New Castle Counties”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022.
Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0002

DNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0001

This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0001 (7 DE Admin. Code 1126 “Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022.
Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0001

Bioenergy Devco, LLC Facility Permit Application — Updated to Reflect Emissions Change for Air Permit and to Note that Updated Supporting Documentation is Available for Water Permits

An updated notice regarding the applications from Bioenergy Development Company for a project at the Bioenergy Innovation Center, at 28338 Enviro Way, in Seaford.

Public Hearing: Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspections Program

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a virtual public hearing on amendments to state regulations, and a State Implementation Plan, for the state’s vehicle emission inspections program.

Notice of Public Hearing: Weatherization Assistance Program – Energy Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Grant

The Division of Climate, Coastal, and Energy will hold a public hearing to take comments on a $10 million grant from the US Dept. of Energy for the DNREC Weatherization Assistance Program.

Notice of Public Hearing: Highline Warren LLC

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a public hearing on an application from Highline Warren LLC for amendments to their existing permits which permit the mixing and bottling of methanol, ethanol, and propylene glycol at their facility at 1 Crowell Road, Wilmington.

Bioenergy Innovation Center Project

Bioenergy Devco, LLC, will expand its Bioenergy Innovation Center, in Seaford, to produce renewable natural gas from organic wastes. The project required multiple permits from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). Those permits have now been issued.
Secretary’s Order Secretary’s
