
Distribution and Marketing Permit – Request for Renewal – Veolia Water Delaware, Inc. (Stanton & Christiana WTP)

Division of Water

Published: Oct. 9, 2024
Comments Due: Nov. 11, 2024

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DNREC Notice No. WR20240364
Non-Discrimination Policy

Veolia Water Delaware, Inc. (Veolia), located at 2000 First State Boulevard, Wilmington DE 19804, has a distribution and marking (DM) permit which authorizes the application of water treatment residuals, generated at the Stanton and Christiana treatment facilities (Stanton site tax parcel numbers 08-056.00-001 and 09-011.00-066 at 2000 First State Boulevard in Wilmington and Christiana site tax parcel number 09-034.00-037 at 60 Smalley’s Dam Road in Newark) onto land throughout the State of Delaware as a soil amendment.

To assure compliance with State regulatory requirements, the finished product is sampled for specific chemical and nutrient parameters prior to distribution. In accordance with the DM permit, the land application of water treatment residuals may be made onto land to improve the soil quality and to provide nutrients for vegetative growth up to a rate that does not exceed an agronomic rate. While the product is permitted to be utilized by landscapers and contractors, the primary disposal option utilized by Veolia is for the product to be disposed of into the New Castle County sewer system with the DM permit being a backup disposal option.

Notice is hereby given that Veolia Water Delaware, Inc. has submitted a permit application requesting that their existing DM permit be renewed under the Department’s Guidance and Regulations Governing the Land Treatment of Wastes, Part V., Regulations Governing the Land Treatment of Wastes which allows for such activity pending public notice.

The application for this Public Notice is posted at:
La solicitud y planes de este Aviso Público están publicados en:
Aplikasyon ak plan pou Avi Piblik yo poste sou:

For questions regarding the application and plans, please contact:

Commercial and Government Services Section
DNREC Div. of Water
89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-9948

A public hearing on the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received withing 30 days from this notice. A public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits a familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.

Please submit all written comments and/or a meritorious request for a public hearing to the email address
