Pages Tagged With: "land application"
Vincent Farms, Inc. has applied for renewal of a permit to transport non-hazardous liquid waste (barley wash water) to be disposed of at Laurel Wastewater Treatment Facility and land applied.
Job Site Pumping has requested renewal of an existing permit allowing land application of grease trap waste generated in restaurants onto farmland located approximately 3 miles northeast of Delmar.
Solids generated in the treatment of sanitary wastewater are known as biosolids. Solids generated in the treatment of wastewater without a sanitary component are known as non-hazardous waste residuals. These solid products may be permitted for land application as a fertilizer and for other end uses.
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Dogfish Head Craft Brewery has applied to renew a permit to transport non-hazardous liquid waste (including brewery wastewater and residuals) to be disposed of via land application at various permitted locations.
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery of Milton requested renewal of their existing agricultural utilization permit which authorizes the surface application of limited quantities of brewery vessel wash down water onto approximately 88 acres of farmland, located near the Town of Milton.
Kent County Levy Court has applied for renewal of an existing agricultural utilization permit and a renewal of an existing distribution and marking permit related to the county’s wastewater treatment system, the land application of treated biosolids, and the marketing of their biosolids product known as “Kentorganite.”