
Agricultural Utilization Permit Renewal: Job Site Pumping

Division of Water

Published: Oct. 16, 2022
Comments Due: Nov. 15, 2022

Job Site Pumping, LLC (Jobsite) has requested the renewal of their existing agricultural utilization permit, State Permit Number AGU 1705-S-05. The current permit allows the land application of limited quantities of grease trap waste generated in restaurants, onto a forage crop at an agronomic rate. The parcel of land that Jobsite is permitted to utilize for land application activities totals approximately 2.75 acres and is located approximately 3 miles northeast of Delmar, Delaware. The grease trap waste and soils at the permitted farm are required to undergo periodic analysis for a list of specific parameters including nutrient content and metals.

The Department’s Guidance and Regulations Governing the Land Treatment of Wastes, Part V, Regulations Governing the Land Treatment of Sludges and Sludge Products allows for such activity pending public notice.

Copies of the permit above are available by contacting:

Brian Churchill
Commercial and Government Services Section
89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-9946

A public hearing on the above application will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received by 4:30 p.m. November 15, 2022. A public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits a familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.
