
Surface Water Matching Planning Grants

Surface Water Matching Planning Grants were established by the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council and are intended to help plan for projects to manage water pollution that comes from specific sources and that which comes from many different sources (non-point source pollution).

DNREC is now accepting proposals from Delaware county and municipal governments, conservation districts and estuary programs for matching grants for surface water project planning. Proposals must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Aug. 21, 2024.

Contact Us

Jim Sullivan
Division of Watershed Stewardship
Enterprise Business Park
285 Beiser Blvd.
Dover, DE  19904

The grants support planning, preliminary engineering, and feasibility analysis of surface water improvement projects and activities that focus on the developed landscape to improve water quality in impaired watersheds in Delaware. They can be used for a variety of projects, such as:

  • Retrofitting stormwater systems
  • Establishing green technology practices
  • Restoring streams and wetlands
  • Small watershed studies
  • Developing master surface water and drainage plans

The Surface Water Matching Planning Grant is a set aside in the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (WPCRF) Non-Federal Administrative Account. The program is designed to assist counties and municipalities to prepare surface water projects for funding through WPCRF. The available funding can be used to assist with surface water planning in general, and for specific project planning and designs necessary to submit a loan application to the WPCRF for funding consideration.

Eligible Projects

Stormwater retrofits, water quality improvement projects, stream and wetland restoration, and other green infrastructure practices. Development of master plans, or planning toward a community goal for surface water improvements are also eligible. Project applicants must be eligible to apply for SRF funding.

Eligible Sectors

Any Delaware county, or municipal government, conservation district, or estuary program. Non-profit organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, community organizations, and/or homeowner’s associations within the State of Delaware that do not have taxing authority are ineligible to apply directly but may partner with an eligible applicant.

Program Goals

Grant applicants should focus their proposals on one or more of the following program goals:

  • Providing benefits to water quality within an impaired watershed
  • Planning and/or preliminary design for projects associated with a watershed management plan
  • Planning and/or preliminary design for of community stormwater management improvements in existing developments and municipalities
  • Restoration or retrofit projects to provide water quality benefits

Funding Process

Eligible proposals will be selected for funding by the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council through a competitive grant process. DNREC’s Division of Watershed Stewardship will administer the grant application process and provide technical and financial guidance. Preference is given to planning and/or preliminary engineering projects that will go forward to implementation and would be eligible to be funded by the WPCRF. Special consideration will be given to joint applications among a governmental subdivision, municipality and a county.

Funding for projects receiving a grant award will be capped at $50,000 with a 1:1 cash match requirement. There is also a $100,000 cap per fiscal year. A grant informational workshop is held once a year (January) to discuss the particulars of the grant.

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