Pages Tagged With: "finance"
Community Environmental Project Fund
The Community Environmental Project Fund (CEPF) provides money to support the restoration of the environment in communities that were damaged by environmental pollution. Applications for the latest round of CEPF grants will be accepted through Sept. 16, 2024. Learn More
In 2013, Cornerstone West CDC received Communities in Need
The state has developed a list of communities in need as part of the Delaware Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities. These are communities that have lacked technical or financial capacity to address demonstrated public health and clean water challenges.Delaware Clean Water Initiative
The Delaware Clean Water Initiative for Underserved Communities (CWI) will help provide clean public drinking water and upgraded wastewater treatment for the state’s low-income and underserved communities. The Initiative is supported by a $50 million investment, the Clean Water Trust, created by the Clean Water for Delaware Act. [column md=”6″ xclass=”col-xs-12 col-lg-5Environmental Finance
The DNREC Environmental Finance Office administers the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund), making funding available to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals. There is a temporary interest rate reduction for loans under the Clean Water State Revolving FundNon-Point Source Program Funding
The state provides loans to both public and private sector partners to support projects that help to reduce non-point source (NPS) pollution. Non-point source pollution is any pollution that originates from a diffuse source (such as an open field or a road) and is transported to surface or ground waters through leaching or runoff.Project Planning Advances
Funds are available to help municipal governments prepare to apply for loans for public wastewater and drinking water projects.Contact Us
Michael Fleming DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941
Asset Management Incentive Program
Public wastewater and drinking water utilities can receive grants or loan interest rebates to develop and implement asset management plans to help keep their facilities in optimal working order.Contact Us
Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund
The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund provides low-interest loans and grants to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals for projects that will improve water quality. Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 29 Delaware Code, §8003 (12) 67 Del. Laws, c. 291 The EPA
Water Infrastructure Advisory Council
The Water Infrastructure Advisory Council (WIAC) initiates, develops and recommends to the Delaware General Assembly projects for the planning, construction, repair, renovation or expansion of drinking water and wastewater facilities.Contact Us
Private Projects that Support Estuary Programs
A portion of the loan funds available from the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund) are available for privately-owned water quality improvement projects that help meet the water quality goals of Delaware’s estuary management programs. [panel type=”success”Water Quality Improvement Loan Program
The Water Quality Improvement Loan Program provides loans to cities and towns to fund water quality improvement projects to compliment municipal wastewater treatment projects.Contact Us
DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941
Community Septic System Outreach
The Community Outreach Initiative identifies low- and moderate-income homeowners in the Chesapeake and Inland Bay Watersheds that may need financial assistance to replace failed and/or failing septic systems.Contact Information
Septic Rehabilitation Grant Program
The DNREC Septic Rehabilitation Grant Program (SRGP) provides support for low-income homeowners who need to replace failing septic systems and cesspools.Contacts
Poultry Loan Program
The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source ( AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing poultry manure, dead poultry, and other sources of poultry related pollution in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner.Contact Us
Stormwater Infrastructure Loans
The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund provides loans for stormwater infrastructure projects as part of a 20% set-aside designed to provide funds for green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, or other environmentally innovative activities.Contact Us
Green Infrastructure Loans
The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (commonly known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund) provides loans for green infrastructure projects to help meet an EPA goal to promote green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, and other environmentally innovative projects.Contact Us
Wastewater Matching Planning Grants
Wastewater Planning Matching Grants help municipal and county wastewater utilities prepare wastewater projects for funding through Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund.Contact Us
Michael Fleming DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941
Surface Water Matching Planning Grants
Surface Water Matching Planning Grants were established by the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council and are intended to help plan for projects to manage water pollution that comes from specific sources and that which comes from many different sources (non-point source pollution).Contact Us
Applications and Guidance
The applications and guidance documents below are for grants and loans through the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund and the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The funds provide low-interest loans and grants to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals for projects that will improve water quality.Environmental Finance Contacts
DNREC Environmental Finance97 Commerce Way, Suite 106Dover, DE 19904 Telephone: 302-739-9941Fax: 302-739-2137 Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday Greg Pope, P.E.Chief of Laura K. RobbinsChief of Laura RaffertyAdministrative Specialist IIlaura.rafferty@delaware.govPublicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Projects
The state provides loans for the construction, repair and upgrading of municipal wastewater facilities. Loans come from the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund).Contact Us
Community Water Quality Improvement Grants
The Community Water Quality Improvement Grant (CWQIG) is designed to help Delaware non‐profit organizations, local conservation districts, community organizations and/or homeowner’s associations implement projects or programs within Delaware’s developed landscape to improve water quality.Contact Us
Dairy Loan Program
The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source (AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing dairy and milking parlor waste and manure in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner.Contact Us
Land Conservation Loan Program
The Land Conservation Loan Program is an innovative financing approach to fund conservation easements and land-preservation land purchases with Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF) municipal loans.Contact Us
Chief of Administration DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941