
Community Water Quality Improvement Grants

The Community Water Quality Improvement Grant (CWQIG) is designed to help Delaware non‐profit organizations, local conservation districts, community organizations and/or homeowner’s associations implement projects or programs within Delaware’s developed landscape to improve water quality.

DNREC is now accepting Community Water Quality Improvement Project grant proposals from non-profit organizations, conservation districts, community organizations and homeowners’ associations. Proposals must be received by DNREC by 4:30 p.m. on April 29.

Contact Us

Jim Sullivan
DNREC Nonpoint Source Program
285 Beiser Blvd, Suite 102
Dover, DE 19904

The Community Water Quality Improvement Grant is an annually-determined set aside in the Delaware Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Non‐Federal Administrative Account. This grant is intended for projects to improve water quality as part of specific watershed improvement plans. It is meant for programs and projects that demonstrate innovative and sustainable methods, techniques, and/or practices for water quality improvements with cost effective and measurable results.

The Grants must support measurable improvements to surface water and ground water quality throughout the State. They must benefit public education and actions to improve Delaware’s water quality. The available funding should be used to assist with project/program implementation with a priority for projects that promote community involvement, leverage additional resources, further education and outreach, demonstrate innovative science, policy, and technology, and provide a project/program approach that is both measurable and transferable in water quality improvements obtained.

Eligible Projects

Preference is given to projects involving cooperative partnerships and sponsors without a dedicated source of funds for repayment of Clean Water State Revolving Fund loans.

Eligible Sectors

Delaware non‐profit organizations, local conservation districts, community organizations and/or homeowner’s associations.

Funding Process

Eligible proposals will be selected for funding by the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council through a competitive grant process. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Program will administer the grant application process and provide technical and financial guidance. This grant program is not in any way associated with or dependent on federal stimulus funds.

All proposals should address one or more of the following goals:

  • Providing benefits to water quality within an impaired watershed
  • Implementation of non‐regulatory projects listed in a watershed management plan. Examples of plans include voluntary elements of Pollution Control Strategies, watershed based restoration plans, a Whole Basin Management Preliminary Assessment, or community‐based stormwater permits
  • Installation of community stormwater management improvements in existing developments and municipalities
  • Restoration for water quality benefits

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