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Federally Enforceable 7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Applications: Delaware State University

Delaware State University has applied for a permit to install an emergency generator at its facility at 1200 North DuPont Highway, in Dover.

Title V Permit Renewal Applications: Delaware City Logistics Company

Delaware City Logistics Company has applied for renewal of its permit to operate a bulk petroleum refining marketing terminal at 4550 Wrangle Hill Road, Delaware City.

Title V Permit Renewal Application: University of Delaware

The University of Delaware has applied for renewal of the operating permit for a facility at 122 Hullihen Hall, in Newark.

Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for 320 & 340 South Market Street, Wilmington Site (DE-1761)

DNREC’s Remediation Section negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with CSW Luxor VI Wilmington, L.P. regarding a site at 320 and 340 South Market Street Site, Wilmington.

Notification of Negotiations for a Brownfields Development Agreement Amendment for the Roads Phase I, (Area 3) Site, Wilmington (DE-1732)

DNREC’s Remediation Section is negotiating an amendment to the Brownfields Development Agreement with Riverfront Development Corporation of Delaware regarding the Roads Phase I Site, located along South Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware to add additional acreage.

Notification of Negotiations for a Brownfields Development Agreement Amendment for the Parcel G Site, Wilmington (DE-1755)

DNREC’s Remediation Section is negotiating an amendment to the Brownfields Development Agreement with Riverfront Development Corporation of Delaware regarding the Parcel G Site, located along South Market Street, Wilmington.

Notification of Negotiations for a Brownfields Development Agreement for the Parcel J Site, Wilmington (DE-1764)

DNREC’s Remediation Section is negotiating A Brownfields Development Agreement with Riverfront Development Corporation of Delaware regarding the Parcel J Site, located at 503 South Market Street, Wilmington.

Notification of Negotiations for a Brownfields Development Agreement for the 320 South Market Street, Wilmington Site, (DE-1761)

DNREC’s Remediation Section is negotiating a Brownfields Development Agreement with CSW Luxor VI Wilmington, L.P. regarding a site at 320/340 South Market Street, in Wilmington.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for 1039-1043 Clifford Brown Walk Site (DE-1690)

DNREC has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the 1039-1043 Clifford Brown Walk Site located in Wilmington.

Public Hearing: FujiFilm Coastal Zone Act Permit

DNREC will hold a public hearing on an application for a Coastal Zone permit from FujiFilm Imaging Colorants, Inc. to build and operate a new manufacturing plant at its facility at 233 Cherry Lane, New Castle.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the South Walnut Street Right-Of-Way (DE-1725) Site

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the South Walnut Street Right-of-Way Site located in Wilmington.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Bell have applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to build a single family dwelling on Lots 17 and 19, North Indian Beach, in Sussex County.

Federal Consistency Certification: ESNG Seaford Offset and Southend Lateral Relocation

The Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is seeking a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorization to relocate and/or perform maintenance on existing buried natural gas pipelines, at two locations along U.S. Route 13 in Sussex County.

Federal Consistency Determination: Emerson Grain Storage Bin

The USDA Farm Service Agency is proposing to fund the construction of a grain storage bin, involving ground disturbance below the plow line to pour a concrete foundation to be located at 1035 Jamison Corner Rd, Middletown.

Federal Consistency Certification: ESNG Delaware City

The Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company is seeking a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission authorization for a proposed gas-line expansion/improvement project at an existing compressor station facility located on School House Road, Delaware City.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Beebe Healthcare

Beebe Healthcare requests permission to operate two existing emergency generators at Beebe Rehoboth Health Campus, 19161 Healthy Way, Rehoboth Beach.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications for industrial water allocations to the DNREC Water Supply Section.

Public Hearing: Matthew Eisenmann Subaqueous Lands Lease

The DNREC Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section will conduct a public hearing on a Subaqueous Lands Lease application for Matthew Eisenmann to maintain a pier and build a pier extension, a floating platform, and a boat lift in Herring Creek.

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

Timothy and Cheri Gavin have applied to maintain and use a pier and dock and to build two dock extensions, two boat lifts, two PWC lifts, and three catwalks on Peppers Creek, at 120 Creekside Drive, Dagsboro.

On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Notices

A listing of permit applications to the DNREC Groundwater Discharges Section.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Fork Branch School Site (DE-1676)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up of the Fork Branch School Site located in Dover.

Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the 900 South Heald Street Site, (DE-1760)

DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with Brothers Commercial Development, LLC regarding a site at 900 South Heald Street, in Wilmington.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section for Water Allocation Permits.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the BOA-Lot-DEW-123 (DE-1672)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the BOA-Lot-DEW-123 Site located in Wilmington

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the BOA-Lot-DEW-122 (DE-1673)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the BOA-Lot-DEW-122 Site located in Wilmington.

Groundwater Discharges Section Permit Applications

A list of recent permit applications submitted to the DNREC Groundwater Discharges Section.

Public Hearing: Atlantic Concrete Company, Inc.

The Division of Air Quality will conduct a virtual public hearing on a permit application from Atlantic Concrete Company to build a new concrete manufacturing plant to replace two existing plants at their facility at 16762 Old Orchard Road, Lewes.

Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Applications: NKS Distributors

NKS Distributors Inc. has applied for a permit to install a sanitary sewer pump station and approximately 204 linear feet of force main to serve a proposed warehouse, to be located at 613 Big Woods Road, in Smyrna.

Federal Consistency Determination: Wilmington Harbor Maintenance Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to extend their authorization to conduct maintenance dredging of the Federal navigation channel and turning basin at the Port of Wilmington for a ten-year period (2021-2030).

Amended Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Delaware Air National Guard Site, IRP Site 2 (Soil) (DE-1003)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of IRP Site 2 (Soil) of the Delaware Air National Guard Site located in New Castle.

Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the 601 Justison St. Site (DE-1729)

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up 601 Justison Street Site located in Wilmington.

Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the 1000 Eastlawn Avenue Site, Wilmington (DE-1739)

DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with Wilmington Neighborhood Conservancy Land Bank Corporation. regarding the 1000 Eastlawn Avenue Site, in Wilmington.

Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the 201 Gold Property Site, Wilmington (DE-0323)

DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with Wilmington Neighborhood Conservancy Land Bank Corporation regarding the 201 Gold Property Site, located at 201 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington.

Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit: Central Backhoe Services

Central Backhoe Services has applied for renewal of its permit to transport septage and holding tank waste to be disposed of at the Kent County Sewer System.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Daniel Abramowitz has applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to build a single family dwelling on Lot 1, Block 42, Dewey Beach.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Bryan L. Stahl has applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to build a single family dwelling on Lot 2, Block 42, Dewey Beach.

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

A listing of recent applications for permits, leases and water quality certifications to the DNREC Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section.

Notice of Secretary’s Decision: 204 Salisbury Exchange, LLC

The DNREC Secretary has issued an order which authorizes 204 Salisbury Exchange, LLC to build and use a pier, install two docks and three mooring pilings in Head of Bay Cove, Rehoboth Bay, at 204 Salisbury Street, Rehoboth Beach.

Groundwater Discharges Section Permit Applications

A listing of recent permit applications to the DNREC Groundwater Discharges Section.

Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of companies that have submitted applications for permits to transport regulated RCRA hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Services Services requests permission for construction and operation of an emergency generator and a fire pump at the Amazon fulfilment center at 1025 Boxwood Road, Wilmington.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless requests ten operation permits to operate portable generators at their 41 Southgate Boulevard, New Castle, facility.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: GT USA Wilmington

GT USA Wilmington requests Natural Minor permits to construct and operate five existing cold solvent cleaners and one fire pump at the Port of Wilmington, located at 1 Hausel Road, Wilmington.

Amended Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Cavaliers Country Club – Operable Unit 1A (DE-1600)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of Cavaliers Country Club Operable Unit 1A located in Newark.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of recent water allocation permit applications to the DNREC Water Supply Section.

Guardian Data Destruction, Inc. Recycling Permit Application

Guardian Data Destruction, Inc. has applied for a renewal of its permit to provide mobile secure hard drive and media tape destruction services at client locations throughout Delaware from its fleet of vehicles equipped with appropriate shredding equipment.

Draft NPDES CAFO General Permit: Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified CAFOs – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities

DNREC and Department of Agriculture are providing public notice for the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Donohos Paint Manufacturing Site (DE-1312)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Donohos Paint Manufacturing Site located in Dover.

Final Plan of Remedial Action for the 1 Forge Drive Site (DE-1730)

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the 1 Forge Drive Site located in Newark.

Notification of Negotiations Concerning a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement for the Hatteras Property Site, Magnolia, DE (DE-1762)

DNRECis negotiating a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement with Canterbury Land Development, LLC regarding the Hatteras Property Site located at Clapham Road and Sophers Row, Magnolia.
