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 Pages Categorized With: "energy office"

Home Energy Rebate Programs

The Home Efficiency Rebate Program and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program, which are expected to launch once funding is received later this year, are designed to help Delawareans reduce home energy costs.

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DNREC Customer Support 1-888-920-1871

The Davis-Bacon Act

The Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) is a federal law that requires contractors and subcontractors working on federally funded or assisted public building/public work construction contracts exceeding $2,000 to pay their laborers and mechanics no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits.
Related DNREC

Justice40 Initiative

The Justice40 Initiative (J40) calls for 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments to flow to disadvantaged communities (DACs). At its core, the initiative provides a pathway for equitable deep decarbonization that transforms and builds wealth in underserved/overburdened communities.
Related DNREC Funding

Build America, Buy America Act

The Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) refers to a series of regulations and policies designed to promote the use of American-made materials and products in federally funded infrastructure projects. The goal of BABA is to help support domestic manufacturing, create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is a formula grant program designed to assist states, local governments and tribes to implement strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions and improve energy efficiency.
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About the 40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grant

This is a collection of questions and answers about the 40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grants.

Contact Us

Heather Hubbard 302-735-3352
If you have further questions about grid resiliency, the committee, and the application process, please refer to the Application Overview

40101(d) Grid Resiliency Grants

Section 40101(d) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides a Grid Resiliency Grant of up to $1.4 million yearly for five years for utility providers to improve the energy grid against disruptions and natural hazards.

Contact Us

Heather Hubbard 302-735-3352

GEAC Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies Workgroup

The Renewable Energy and Clean Technologies workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore renewable energy portfolio standards, offshore wind, clean hydrogen, energy storage, emerging technologies and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.

GEAC Grid Modernization Workgroup

The Grid Modernization workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore transmission and distribution systems, resiliency, reliability and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar. Meeting materials are posted following each meeting on that

GEAC Environmental Justice and Energy Equity Workgroup

The Environmental Justice and Energy Equity workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore the impact of energy systems on environmental justice communities, societal benefit programs, the Justice40 Initiative, workforce development and other topics raised by members. Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public

GEAC Energy Efficiency and Electrification Workgroup

The Energy Efficiency and Electrification workgroup of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) will explore current energy efficiency programs, transportation electrification, electric vehicles, building electrification, reliability and other topics raised by members.  Meetings of the council and its workgroups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.

Energy Advisory Council Meetings

Meetings of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) and its working groups are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events (listed below) and on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar. Meeting materials are posted following each meeting on that meeting’s page on the DNREC Calendar of Events. All of the meetings of the council and working groups

Energy Advisory Council Membership

The membership of the Governor’s Energy Advisory Council is set in the amended Delaware Energy Act. There are 25 members, representing different branches of the state government, elected officials, the commercial sector, and the public at large. Ed Kee, Chair Sen. Stephanie Hansen Rep.

Governor’s Energy Advisory Council

The Governor’s Energy Advisory Council (GEAC) is charged with providing recommendations to DNREC’s State Energy Office on updates to the Delaware Energy Plan and with monitoring and proposing actions to enhance Delaware’s energy system, including actions to lessen the climate change impacts and providing counsel to the Governor on promoting an economic, reliable and competitive

DNREC State Energy Office

The State Energy Office provides guidance on adopting and implementing smart energy choices through energy conservation and efficiency measures.
DNREC held a series of three public information meetings to give Delawareans an opportunity to learn about strategies incorporated into the latest State Energy Plan update. The meetings took place on

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, is a $1 trillion investment in rebuilding America’s roads, bridges and rails, expanding access to clean drinking water, improving access to high-speed internet, tackling the climate crisis, advancing environmental justice and investing in communities. 

Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 makes the single largest investment in climate and energy in American history, enabling America to tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice and put the United States on a pathway to achieving the Biden Administration’s climate goals, including a net-zero economy by 2050. [column md=”5″ xclass=”col-xs-12
