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 Pages Tagged With: "mosquito"

Mosquito Control

DNREC’s Mosquito Control Section provides mosquito control services throughout Delaware to maintain quality of life and protect public health by reducing the possibility of mosquito-borne illnesses.
For help with nuisance mosquitoes where you live, call one of our field offices: The Northern Delaware Office, 302-836-2555, serving New Castle County

Federal Consistency Certification: Mosquito Ditch Maintenance

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance on an existing mosquito ditch located west of South Bowers Road to restore its drainage functionality by removing accumulated sediment from the channel.

How to Prevent Backyard Mosquitos

zzzzz … slap. Sound familiar? The whine of buzzing mosquitoes followed by swats is a tell-tale sign of summer in Delaware. There’s plenty you can do in your backyard to reduce populations of these pests. Our Mosquito Control Section has tips to share, along with the mosquitos to watch out for.

Mosquito Control Spraying Calendar

The DNREC Mosquito Control Section provides multiple communication channels to share information about planned mosquito control spraying in Delaware. These include the mosquito control spraying calendar (below), the online Spray Zone Map and the Spray Zone Notification System.

Request a No-Spray Zone

The DNREC Mosquito Control Section accepts applications for No-Spray Zones in which mosquito control adulticides will not be applied in the immediate or close vicinity of your residence.


Glasgow Office (New Castle County and northern Kent County, including Dover) Tom Moran,

Wetland Management and Restoration

The Mosquito Control Section helps to control mosquito populations by improving and managing wetlands in oreder to increase fish and wildlife populations and restore previously altered wetland habitats to a healthier condition. These wetland systems, when properly functioning, help to create a natural check on mosquito populations. Successful wetland management can help reduce the need

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

There are several mosquito-borne diseases of concern in Delaware: Chikungunya, West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and Canine Heartworm Disease, and a possible newcomer, Zika, for which the state’s awareness is growing.
You Can Help Learn how you can control mosquitoes in your own

Mosquito Spraying in Delaware

The Mosquito Control Section uses a Spray Zone Notification System to let residents know when and where they plan to apply pesticides to control mosquito populations.

Questions and Answers

A collection of questions and answers about mosquitoes and mosquito control in Delaware.
Many adult mosquitoes around the home come from mosquito production sites within or near the neighborhood. You can

Asian Tiger Mosquitoes

The Asian Tiger Mosquito is Delaware’s newest and toughest nuisance mosquito. Tiger mosquitoes get their name from their distinct stripe pattern and their aggressive behavior. If you suspect you may have an Asian Tiger Mosquito problem, there are things you can do to get rid of the problem. Check Your Property The
