
Septic Rehabilitation Grant Program

The DNREC Septic Rehabilitation Grant Program (SRGP) provides support for low-income homeowners who need to replace failing septic systems and cesspools.


Jessica Velazquez
Environmental Finance

Georgetown Area:
Bruce Wright
First State Community Action Agency
302-856-7761 (ext. 111)

Dover Area:
First State Community Action Agency

The program provides funding to help cover the cost of replacing failing systems with on-site wastewater disposal systems. It also provides funding for costs associated with connecting to central sewer systems.

In many Delaware communities, aging septic systems pose a threat to both public health and the environment. The Septic Rehabilitation Grant Program addresses this challenge head on, recognizing the vital role that proper sanitation plays in the well-being of our Delaware residents.


The Grant program is designed to help low-income homeowners struggling with the burden of failing septic systems. It is meant to help improve their living situation and foster a sense of security and pride in their homes.

Property owners will be required to meet program income guidelines.

Eligible costs for on-site systems include site evaluation, septic system design, permits, and construction costs.

Eligible costs for central sewer projects include impact fees, connection fees, permit costs, electrical, and abandonment of septic systems.

Applications and Further Information

An on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system – known commonly as a septic system – is a wastewater treatment facility located within an individual property boundary that collects, treats and disposes of wastewater from a home or business. 

On-site systems are governed by Delaware’s Regulations Governing the Design, Installation and Operation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (7 DE Admin. Code 7101). The regulations are also available as a PDF Version with Exhibits and Attachments.

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