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Notice is hereby given that Perdue AgriBusiness, LLC has submitted an application, pursuant to 7 DE Admin. Code 1102, Section 2.1, 11.2.9, and 12.3 for an amendment to the terms of their existing permits which would allow for an increase in the maximum rolling twelve (12) month throughput of grain received via barge and the receipt and loadout of a material known as CarbonLock at their 1001 Nanticoke Avenue location in Seaford, Delaware.
Perdue AgriBusiness, LLC requests permission to emit up to a cumulative 50.13 tons per year (TPY) of PM10, 7.97 TPY of PM2.5, 0.003 TPY of SO2, 0.32 TPY of NOX, 0.27 TPY of CO, and 0.03 TPY of VOCs from all of its permitted activities and equipment. These limits are necessary to restrict Perdue AgriBusiness, LLC’s potential to emit air pollutants, and the limit will be enforceable by the EPA and the state. The facility was calculated to have a cumulative potential to emit (PTE) of up to 171.11 TPY of PM10, 33.63 TPY of PM2.5, 0.12 TPY of SO2, 11.32 TPY of NOX, 9.33 TPY of CO, and 1.06 TPY of VOCs from all of its permitted activities and equipment.
The application, the “draft” permit (Permit: APC-2024/0061-OPERATION (PTE)(SM)), all materials that the applicant has submitted (other than those granted confidential treatment under DNREC rules), and a copy or summary of other materials, if any, considered in preparing the “draft” permit may be reviewed upon request. The materials are posted at de.gov/dnrecnotices. To submit comments, for additional information, or for information regarding how you can inspect the application materials, please contact Jennifer Childears at (302) 739-9402 or jennifer.childears@delaware.gov.
A public hearing concerning the permitting action will not be held unless the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control receives a request for such hearing within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, ending Tuesday, September 10, 2024. A request for a hearing shall be in writing and must show a familiarity with the application and a reasoned statement of the permit’s probable impact.
Related Topics: air quality, permit amendment, permitting and regulation, public notice, synthetic minor, title v