The state provides loans to both public and private sector partners to support projects that help to reduce non-point source (NPS) pollution. Non-point source pollution is any pollution that originates from a diffuse source (such as an open field or a road) and is transported to surface or ground waters through leaching or runoff.
The state’s support for efforts to reduce non-point source pollution often involves adding specific best management practices (BMPs) to project workplans. Projects may target any source of non-point source pollution, but most frequently involve agriculture, silviculture, construction, marinas, septic systems, and hydromodification activities.
The non-point source program builds on outstanding success of Delaware’s Agricultural Non-point Source and Septic Rehabilitation Loan Programs of the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF). The program allows private landowners, homeowner associations, corporations, local and county governments, state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and National Estuary Programs to obtain WPCRF financing for the implementation of non-point source activities. Non-point source management goals are to address the need to reduce nutrients and sediments from agricultural and urban land uses.
Related Topics: clean water, finance, loans, non-point source