
Coastal Zone Act Application Materials

Manufacturing, heavy industry, and bulk product transfer activities since 1971 in Delaware’s coastal zone require a coastal zone permit in addition to other applicable DNREC permits.

Use the interactive coastal zone map to see if your proposed activity is located within the state coastal zone.

Early coordination is key in an efficient permitting process. Contact the Coastal Zone Act program as needed for guidance and consultation. We recommend engaging with the DNREC Regulatory Advisory Service to learn about other environmental authorizations that may be required for your project.

The issuance of a coastal zone permit does not satisfy other DNREC permitting requirements. Proposed projects must also comply with all applicable regulations and apply for other relevant permits under DNREC’s regulatory programs.

Various activities and facilities are prohibited within the coastal zone, such as oil refineries, paper mills, incinerators, steel manufacturing plants, and liquefied natural gas terminals.

The Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Act does not prevent the redevelopment or reuse of the 14 grandfathered sites by activities that are not classified as heavy industry and, therefore, do not need a conversion permit. (Examples: warehouses, parking structures, office buildings, etc.)

The regulatory timeline of a review does not begin until an application is deemed administratively complete by the DNREC Secretary.

DNREC offers the following basic timelines for permitting processes under the Coastal Zone Act: Status DecisionsStandard and Conversion Permits and Major Modifications.

Applications and Forms

Application Fees

Status decision: $3,000

Standard Permit: $3,000

Conversion Permit: $15,000

Conversion Permit Major Modification: $5,000

Conversion Permit Annual Fee: $1,500

Coastal Zone Act applications and forms are available as WORD files (.docx). Please right-click and save-as to download these documents.

Submit a Request for Status Decision if you are not sure whether a proposed activity activity is prohibited, is exempt from permitting or would require a standard or conversion permit. A status decision is not required before submitting a coastal zone permit application. (Status Decision Request Form)

Standard Coastal Zone Permit is necessary for any new or expanded manufacturing activity. (Standard Coastal Zone Permit Form)

Coastal Zone Conversion Permit is necessary for any additional or alternative heavy industry or bulk product transfer activity proposed within the 14 grandfathered sites of nonconforming uses. (Coastal Zone Conversion Permit Form)

Submit a Major Modification Form if you would like to modify a substantive term of an existing permit. (Major Modification Form)

Recent CZA Applications
