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 Pages Tagged With: "research"

Environmental Laboratory Quote Requests

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory provides scientifically credible analytical and technical support to DNREC and other state agencies. It can also provide testing for other projects on a contractual basis. Please complete the form below to submit a request for a quote. Lab staff will review the information provided and provide a quote

The History of the Environmental Laboratory

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory has been helping with the protection of Delaware’s public health and the environment since it came into being in support of the Water Pollution Commission. The Delaware Water Pollution Control Act of 1949 established the Water Pollution Commission “to maintain within its jurisdiction a reasonable quality of water consistent

Environmental Laboratory Sections

Staff at the Delaware Environmental Laboratory work in specialized sections, providing scientifically credible analytical and technical support to DNREC and other state agencies. Field Services The Field Services Section is responsible for collecting the samples that are analyzed by the various sections in the lab. In addition, they provide

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory

The Delaware Environmental Laboratory is a full-service lab that tests and assesses water, air, soil, hazardous materials and biological samples. The lab helps facilitate the management of Delaware’s natural resources and the protection of Delaware’s water resources. Since its creation in 1949, the mission of the lab has been to aid in

Coastal Research

DNREC’s Delaware Coastal Programs conducts a variety of coastal research programs to study the affects of climate change, impacts from human pollutants, and other factors impacting the changing coastal environment of Delaware.

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The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) collaborates with various partner organizations and hosts visiting scientists who conduct research of local and national significance that focuses on enhancing coastal management.

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Report Atlantic Sturgeon

You can help DNREC research and manage the local population of Atlantic sturgeon, a rare and endangered fish. Simply use our reporting form to let us know of any interactions you have with this fish.

Previous Planning and Research

The Christina-Brandywine River Remediation Restoration Resilience (CBR4) project area has seen more than two decades of planning work, to understand the needs of the community, and scientific research, to understand contamination sources.
CBR4 Project Menu
  • CBR4 Project

    Delaware Wetlands

    The DNREC Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program, known as Delaware Wetlands, provides quality reports on the status, health and function of Delaware’s wetlands. It collaborates with other government agencies, businesses, non-profits and universities to further wetland research.

    Contact Us

    Alison Rogerson Delaware

    Scientific Collection Permits

    The Division of Fish and Wildlife issues permits to collect protected wildlife, finfish, shellfish or their nests or eggs for scientific, education or propagating purposes. Permits are issued for up to one year and may require review and approval from a relevant taxa project leader. [column md=”6″ xclass=”col-xs-12 col-lg-5

    Research and Monitoring

    Biologists from the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife keep track of the state’s fish populations. They work on Delaware’s rivers, ponds, estuaries, the Delaware Bay and in coastal waters and study how different species are faring. What Fisheries Biologists Do Fisheries Biologist John Clark tagged this 54.8-pound striper

    The Fisheries Section

    The DNREC Fisheries Section works to enhance and protect Delaware’s fish and aquatic resources in support of recreational and commercial fishing. It provides first-class fishing and boating access to Delaware’s many waterways. And it conducts fisheries research, resource monitoring, and collection of biological information on marine fisheries. Recreational Fishing

    The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve

    The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (DNERR) is one of 30 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the country whose goal is to establish, protect, and manage natural estuarine habitats for research, education, and coastal stewardship. DNREC manages the Reserve under a regularly updated, five-year Reserve Management Plan.
