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 Pages Tagged With: "HSCA"

PFAS in Delaware

DNREC and the DHSS Division of Public Health are working with federal agencies to protect the environment and public health in Delaware from the effects of a group of synthetic chemicals known as PFAS.
A dual-federal-agency supplemental report released on Dec. 10, 2024, outlines findings from settled dust samples

PFAS and Surface Water

PFAS and other toxic contaminants can enter surface water through overland flow, such as stormwater runoff, through industrial discharges, through atmospheric deposition and through discharge of contaminated groundwater.
  • PFAS in Delaware
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    PFAS and Wastewater

    Nationwide studies since the early 2000s indicate that PFAS exist in influent, effluent and residuals (biosolids) of wastewater treatment plants (Bogdan, D. 2021). Some of the most frequently detected PFAS compounds are PFAAs (perfluoroalkyl acids). This makes wastewater treatment plants important in managing and mitigating the environmental spread of PFAAs and a key participant in protecting both

    Notification Of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the Sussex County Courthouse Site, Georgetown (DE-1776)

    DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with the Delaware Office of Management and Budget, Division of Facilities Management, regarding the Sussex County Courthouse Site, located at 115 East Pine Street, in Georgetown.

    Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the 4845 & 4867 Dupont Parkway Site, Townsend (DE-1777)

    DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with PTV 1174, LLC., regarding a site at 4845 & 4867 DuPont Parkway, in Townsend.

    Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for the Chestnut Run Plaza Dupont Site, Wilmington (DE-1778)

    DNREC’s Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with CRISP Partners LLC regarding the Chestnut Run Plaza DuPont Site, located at 984 Centre Road, in Wilmington.

    Notification of Issuance of a Notice of Liability for the Broadkiln Sportsmans Club Site, (DE-1371)

    A notice of liability is being issued to Broadkiln Sportsmans Club, Inc. regarding a site at 26283 Deep Branch Road, in Milton.

    Notification of Negotiations Concerning a Prospective Purchaser Agreement for the Berkshire Property, Magnolia (DE-1772)

    DNREC is negotiating a Prospective Purchaser Agreement with Schiff Land Development Company regarding the Berkshire Property Site located at 3609 South State Street, Magnolia.

    PFAS Investigation Sites

    This page contains a list of sites being investigated by DNREC for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water, groundwater or surface water in Delaware.

    Contact Us

    DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances Todd Keyser 302-395-2600

    Exposure Assessment Near New Castle Air National Guard Base

    In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) initiated an exposure assessment for perf- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the community near the New Castle Air National Guard Base in New Castle County.

    Notification of Negotiations Concerning a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement for the 517 Shipley Street Site, (DE-1705)

    DNREC is negotiating a Voluntary Cleanup Program Agreement with 517 Shipley LLC regarding a site at 517 North Shipley Street, in Wilmington.

    Voluntary Cleanup Program

    DNREC’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) is available to all parties who may be liable for the contamination of a property, but who wish to settle their liabilities with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control under the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA).

    Contact Us

    HSCA State Lead and Enforcement Programs

    Delaware’s Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) (7 Del.C. Ch. 91) provides DNREC with the authority to take enforcement actions against responsible parties to ensure cleanup at sites with a release, or imminent threat of release, of hazardous substances.

    Contact Us

    Remediation Section 391 Lukens Drive New

    HSCA Advisory Committee

    The Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) Advisory Committee advises the Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances on rules, policies, and procedures relating to the cleanup and re-use of hazardous waste sites.

    Contact Us

    Remediation Section 391 Lukens Drive New Castle, Delaware 19720

    Risk Assessment and Cleanup Standards

    The DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances sets standards for risk assessment and cleanup and remediation planning for contaminated sites. Cleanup and remediation are governed under the Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act, known as HSCA (7 Del. C. Ch.91). The HSCA Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance

    Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act Program

    The Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) gives DNREC the ability to ensure cleanup of facilities with a release or imminent threat of release of hazardous substances.

    Contact Us

    Remediation Section 391 Lukens Drive New Castle, Delaware 19720 302-395-2600

    Notification of Negotiations Concerning a Voluntary Cleanup Settlement Agreement for the Eden Hill Farm Site, (DE-1714)

    DNREC advises that it is negotiating a voluntary cleanup settlement agreement with Apennine Development Co., LLC regarding the Eden Hill Farm Site located in Dover.

    Notification of Negotiations for a Brownfields Development Agreement for the Clifford Brown Site, Wilmington (DE-1690)

    DNREC’s Remediation Section is negotiating a Brownfields Development Agreement with African American Heritage Center of Delaware, Inc. regarding the Clifford Brown Walk Site, located at 1039 & 1043 Clifford Brown Walk and 314, 316 and 318 E 11th Street, in Wilmington.


    The DNREC Brownfields Development Program encourages the cleanup and redevelopment, reuse or expansion of properties which may be perceived to be environmentally contaminated.

    Contact Us

    Remediation Section 391 Lukens Drive New Castle, Delaware 19720 302-395-2600
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