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 Pages Tagged With: "agriculture"

General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permits

A listing of Delaware farms that have applied for coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permit Number DE 5000N/11.

Permiso General para Operación Concentrada de Alimentación Animal

Una lista de granjas de Delaware que han solicitado cobertura bajo el Permiso de operación de alimentación animal concentrada general del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de Descargas Contaminantes Número DE 5000N/11.

Delaware’s Biggest Trees are a Cut Above the Rest

Delaware is home to more than 100 different tree species, from the bald cypress to the American holly to the yellow poplar. Trees have always played a significant role in human society and culture, and the First State is no exception in that regard. In this piece, Outdoor Delaware takes you inside Delaware’s forests. By the way — do you know what our state tree is?

Agricultural Burning

Farmers may conduct agricultural burning for crop residue, field maintenance, and land clearing for agricultural operations. This does not include clearing land in order to construct structures, even those used in conjunction with agricultural operations.
The State Fire Marshall has lifted the statewide outdoor burning ban announced on Oct. 15,

General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permits

Farms in Bridgeville, Millsboro, Greenwood, Seaford and Milton have applied for coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permit for Large, Medium, and Designated Poultry CAFOS – Facilities with Land Application of Manure.

General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permits

A list of farms that have applied for coverage under the NPDES General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation permit for large, medium and designated poultry operations with land-application of manure.

Draft NPDES CAFO General Permit: Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified CAFOs – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities

DNREC and Department of Agriculture are providing public notice for the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Large, Medium, Designated Non-Poultry & Diversified Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) – Manure Generation and Land Application Facilities.

Deer Damage Assistance

Many farmers report significant damage to their crops caused by deer. By combining non-lethal techniques with targeted harvest, farmers can reduce crop damage.

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Ryan Harris Wildlife Damage Biologist 302-735-3600
Harvest of antlerless deer, specifically mature

Water Allocation Permit Applications

A listing of applications for water quality allocation permits from Krugar Farms and from Paf, LLC, for irrigation wells on properties near Georgetown, Delaware.

Public Hearing: Request to Amend/Renew Existing Clean Delaware Agricultural Utilization (AGU) Permit (Docket #2019-P-W-0023)

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Surface Water Discharges Section will conduct a public hearing (Docket #2019-P-W-0023) on Clean Delaware, LLC.’s permit application for an amendment of its existing agricultural utilization permit.

Agricultural Utilization Permit – Request for Renewal – McMullen Septic Service, Inc.

McMullen Septic Service, Inc. of Seaford, has requested renewal of their existing agricultural utilization permit which authorizes the surface application of limited quantities of grease trap waste at agronomic rates onto a portion of the Jack McMullen Farm.

Agricultural Utilization Permit – Request for Amendment – Clean Delaware, LLC

Clean Delaware has requested several amendments to their existing agricultural utilization permit that allows land treatment of stabilized biosolids other approved land treatable wastes onto three non-contiguous farms near Milton, Harbeson, and Ellendale.

Agricultural Utilization Permit – Request for Renewal – Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery of Milton requested renewal of their existing agricultural utilization permit which authorizes the surface application of limited quantities of brewery vessel wash down water onto approximately 88 acres of farmland, located near the Town of Milton.

Agricultural Utilization Permit Issuance: Proximity Malt, LLC

Proximity Malt, a malt generation facility located in Laurel, has requested an Agricultural Utilization Permit to operate a land treatment system for the agricultural utilization of malting wash water.

General Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Permits

Division of Water Start Date: 1/30/2019 End Date: 3/5/2019
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Division of Water Resources, Surface Water Discharges Section and the Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Management Program, hereby give notice that the following

Poultry Loan Program

The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source ( AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing poultry manure, dead poultry, and other sources of poultry related pollution in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner.

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