
Final Plan of Remedial Action for Eagle Run Site (DE-1039) Operable Unit 3

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Eagle Run Site (DE-1039) Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) located in Newark. The southern portion of OU-3 was historically used as a parking lot while the northern portion of the Site was undeveloped. OU-3 requires placement of an impervious and low permeability cover to reduce infiltration and contaminant migration, a restriction to non-residential uses; a restriction on groundwater use; and long-term management to evaluate remedy effectiveness and integrity through monitoring and site inspections.

DNREC issued a public notice of the Proposed Plan for the Eagle Run Site OU-3 on October 2, 2024. There were no comments or questions from the public regarding the Proposed Plan.

Details of the Final Plan are available online at:

For additional information, please contact Bill Duy, Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
