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The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the Eagle Run Site (DE- 1039) Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) and Operable Unit 2 (OU-2) located at 600 Eagle Run Road in Newark. OU-1 of the Site is approximately 17.1 acres and OU-2 is approximately 5.9 acres. Both OUs are currently undeveloped but previously contained a manufacturing/warehouse building and associated asphalt parking.
OU-1 & OU2 will be subject to the following remedial actions: 1) performance of in-situ remediation to reduce contamination in groundwater, 2) installation of a vapor mitigation system on all buildings constructed in the OUs, 3) placement of an impervious and low-permeability cover to reduce stormwater infiltration and contaminant migration; 4) the development of, and compliance with a Contaminated Materials Management Plan (CMMP); and 5) development of and compliance with a Long-Term Stewardship Plan to evaluate the remedy effectiveness and integrity by monitoring groundwater and surface water, vapor intrusion and performing site inspections; and 6) the recording of an Environmental Covenant restricting to non-residential type uses, restricting groundwater withdrawal, requiring a vapor mitigation system under any constructed building; and requiring compliance with the CMMP and LTS Plan.
Details of the Proposed Plan are available online at: den.dnrec.delaware.gov
The comment period ends at close of business (4:30PM) on October 22, 2024. For additional information, please contact Bill Duy Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at RS_Public_Comments@delaware.gov.
Related Topics: clean-up, public comment, public notice, remediation, waste and hazardous substances