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The Department invites public comment on a proposal to cleanup Operable Unit (OU) 51 of the Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane Site, one property located within a residential neighborhood in New Castle. The property is approximately, 0.12 acres in size. Fill material placed before the houses in the neighborhood were constructed, as well as waste products from a former foundry operation previously located in the rear of the neighborhood, are the likely sources of elevated metals detected within the top 0 to 2 feet below ground surface (bgs) throughout the Site.
The OU-51 property will be subject to the following remedial action: removal of soil within the top two feet bgs in select areas across the property.
Details of the Proposed Plan are available online at: den.dnrec.delaware.gov
The comment period ends at close of business (4:30 PM) on October 14, 2024. For additional information, please contact Lindsay Hall, Project Manager, at (302) 395-2600 or via email at RS_Public_Comments@delaware.gov.
Related Topics: clean-up, public comment, public notice, remediation, waste and hazardous substances