
Federal Consistency Certification: New Jersey Wind Port Phase 2 (2024.0050)

Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy

Published: Sept. 8, 2024
Comments Due: Oct. 8, 2024

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DNREC Notice No. CCE20240315
Non-Discrimination Policy
Documents for Review
Cover Letter
Figures and Tables
To review application appendices, please contact the Federal Consistency Program by email or at 302-739-9283.

A Federal Consistency Certification has been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for the following: New Jersey Wind Port Phase 2 (2024.0050)

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority re-submitted Phase 2 of the New Jersey Wind Port (NJWP) at the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Station on Artificial Island in Salem County, New Jersey. The proposed project includes the development of additional marshalling capacity and manufacturing support facilities by redeveloping existing portions of the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Station and former U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Artificial Island Confined Disposal Facility Cell No. 3. Activities include the installation of new wharf structures, dredging of approximately 3,000,000 cubic yards (cy) of material from the access channel to a depth of -39.5 feet and for new berthing areas to a depth of -47.5 feet to support the placement of a gravel base within the Delaware River. Approximately 2,485 linear feet of shoreline will be developed as an open wharf structure. The in-water area of disturbance would be approximately 70 acres. Approximately 2.7 acres of wetlands and intertidal mudflat east of the existing timber bulkhead would be excavated to create open water area beneath the overhanging wharf. Approximately 1,750,000 cy of material will be beneficially used to create the Mad Horse Creek Nearshore Placement Beneficial Use site and used to support continued restoration efforts at the Abbots Meadow wetland restoration site. An additional 1,250,000 cy will be managed at the USACE Confined Disposal Facility Cell No. 2 on Artificial Island to be used beneficially as part of the proposed Phase 2 development activities. It is estimated that annual maintenance dredge needs will be approximately 200,000 cy and would be utilized as part of ongoing support and maintenance of beneficial use activities. The proposed activity is subject to interstate consistency review under the policies of the DCMP.

Comments concerning this Federal Consistency Certification will be accepted for 30 days from the date of this notice. Comments may be sent to: Coastal Programs, Ms. Kimberly Cole, Administrator, 100 W. Water Street, Suite 7B, Dover, DE, 19904, or electronically to For additional information please visit or call (302) 739-9283.
