
Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Division of Watershed Stewardship

Published: Feb. 20, 2022
Comments Due: March 7, 2022

Notice is hereby given that an application for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line has been filed by Ms. Melissa Kenny to construct a single family dwelling and 11.8′ cantilevered deck on Lot 51, Block 12 (235-4.17-113.00), Broadkill Beach, Sussex County, Delaware pursuant to the revised “Regulations Governing Beach Protection and the Use of Beaches” of the State of Delaware (effective August 11, 2016).

The application(s) may be inspected at the offices of the Division of Watershed Stewardship, 285 Beiser Boulevard, Suite 102, Dover, Delaware. Comments concerning this application should be made in writing to the Division within fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice.

Division of Watershed Stewardship
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
285 Beiser Blvd., Suite 102
Dover, DE 19904
Larry Edward Meade
