Pages Categorized With: "water allocation"
The current Water Supply Coordinating Council was established by the Delaware General Assembly (7 Del. Code Chapter 75A) to manage, protect, and ensure the adequacy of a clean water supply throughout Delaware.
Governor John Carney, with guidance from the Delaware Water Supply Coordinating Council, has declared a statewide drought watch.
The Source Water Assessment and Protection Program provides for the assessment and protection of sources of public drinking water from both surface water and groundwater sources in Delaware.
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Doug Rambo 302-739-9948
Water Supply and Allocations
Drought watches, warnings and emergencies in Delaware are declared by the Governor, with guidance from the Water Supply Coordinating Council.
Governor John Carney, with guidance from the Delaware Water Supply Coordinating Council, has declared a statewide drought watch. Delaware residents and non-farm businesses should reduce nonessential water use during this
A water allocation permit is required for all major water withdrawals under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of Water (7 DE Admin. Code 7303). The Division of Water publishes instructions and guidance for completing a water allocation permit application. A separate permit is required for water impoundments.
Water allocation permit holders in Delaware are required to record and report water usage each year. These reports are used by the Division of Water in long-term water supply planning and water conservation efforts. Public, industrial, irrigation, golf course, and commercial users report monthly production for each water facility (well
The DNREC Division of Water maintains a database of water well and water use data derived from permit applications, reports from permit holders and well completion and abandonment reports. Data are available for use by the regulated community, intergovernmental partners and the public. A full listing of past, present and
The DNREC Division of Water oversees major water withdrawals, greater than 50,000 gallons per day, from any surface water or groundwater source in Delaware. It permits and allocates withdrawals through the Water Supply Assessment and Protection (WSAP) program. The Division permits water allocations under the Regulations Governing the Allocation of