Pages Tagged With: "public information"
DNREC posts notices of all public meetings on the state’s Public Meeting Calendar on a number of division- and office-specific calendars.
El Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Control Ambiental por la presente proporciona un aviso público de solicitudes de permisos presentadas por US Wind, Inc., y de una Sesión Informativa Comunitaria Conjunta y una Audiencia Pública Conjunta que llevará a cabo el Departamento.
DNREC’s Division of Water and Division of Watershed Stewardship have received permit applications from US Wind, Inc., for a commercial-scale, wind energy project offshore of Maryland and will hold a public information session and a public hearing regarding those applications.
Yon nan achiv Avi Piblik DNREC pibliye nan kreyòl ayisyen.
Tit VI ak DNREC Eleman swivan yo se politik DNREC: Okenn moun pa dwe, sou baz ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal, sèks, laj oubyen andikap soufri ekskilizyon nan patipasyon nan, oubyen refize benefis nan, oubyen
Un archivo de Avisos Públicos del DNREC publicados en español.
Título VI y DNREC Esta política del DNREC establece lo siguiente: Ninguna persona, por cuestiones de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, edad o discapacidad, será excluida de participar en cualquier programa o actividad que reciba
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”waste-and-hazardous-substances” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year”
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”fish-and-wildlife” posts_per_page=”400″ include_date=”true” date_query_after=”-1 year” no_posts_message=”There are no additional notices at this
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”watershed-stewardship” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year”
An archive of Public Notices associated with the DNREC Office of the Secretary in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”community-affairs,eab,environmental-finance” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year” include_date=”true” no_posts_message=”There are no additional notices at this
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Water in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”water” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year”
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”climate-coastal-energy” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year”
An archive of Public Notices issued by the DNREC Division of Air Quality in the past year. [display-posts category=”public-notice” tag=”air-quality” posts_per_page=”400″ date_query_after=”-1 year”
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control publishes notices in Delaware newspapers to make the public aware of applications, permitting and regulatory decisions, enforcement actions, plans for cleanups, and other actions.
Subscribe to Public Notices
FOIA, the Delaware Freedom of Information Act (29 Del. Code, Chapter 100), ensures that the public has “easy access to public records” held by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and other state agencies. This page offers options for making a FOIA request to DNREC.