Pages Tagged With: "flood"
Flooding is already a problem in Delaware, the lowest-lying state, and it is expected to worsen over time due to climate change. That’s why the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has launched a new flood planning tool, known as I-ADAPT, or the Individual Adaptation and Decision Planning Tool.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) has undertaken an investigation of flood mitigation options for the section of Pilottown Road, in Lewes, that crosses Canary Creek near its confluence with the Broadkill River. The section of Pilottown Road leading to the Canary Creek bridge is
Sussex County proposes to revise the flood hazard information along Bundicks Branch between Beaver Dam Road and Cool Spring Road and along a tributary to Bundicks Branch from the confluence with Bundicks Branch to Dairy Farm Road.
Delaware has the lowest average land elevation in the United States. It is more susceptible to flooding and faces an increased risk from sea level rise. Be prepared. Know your flood risk and how to manage it. With Climate Change, and the uncertainty it brings, the saying “Where
DNREC, in accordance with National Flood Insurance Program regulations, gives notice of the intent to revise flood hazard information, generally located between the confluence with Nanticoke River to Route 18/Cannon Road along Clear Brook in Sussex County.
This course, presented with the University of Delaware Institute for Public Administration, Delaware Sea Grant and DNREC Coastal Programs, reviews the multiple sources of flood risks to Delaware communities that can be addressed and mitigated through planning, codes and ordinances. This training covers floodplain requirements for municipalities. It presents